Debbie Reynolds


Debbie Reynolds
Mount Morris, MI
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Life & Events > Tuesday Morning Musings

Tuesday Morning Musings

I went to bed late (bad me), and fell asleep much later (bad for me). I knew I would be dragging this morning and not in the best of moods. I am simply no good without my sleep.

We woke to everything frosted, and are experiencing that cold air that much of the country is experiencing. The good news is that the temps are supposed to recover to normals and even have a high of 60 on Halloween.

The sun is shining this morning but the usual gray Michigan clouds are evident also. At least it isn't raining, and the weatherman said spotty snow today, so we may not even catch a glimpse of the white stuff.

Daughter was excited about school this morning, as she usually is, but extra today because it is cupcake day. She managed to yank out one of her last baby teeth last night and woke happily to a visit from the tooth fairy.

R went off to work with his cousin's boss as work for his construction job has been slow in the past few days. We are coming up on the beginning of the month and less work makes for less money to pay bills.

I have heard the grater backing up this morning as I read blogs and comments in my semi-comatose state. It was about time because there were spots on the dirt/gravel road where it was impossible to avoid the holes.

Yesterday I had the get up and go and cooked, but tonight is leftovers, even though nobody in my house (other than me) likes them. I made a really good crockpot of beans and rice over the weekend and if you warm the cornbread in the microwave it is almost like it just came out of the oven.

R was cleaning the house and going through boxes and moving things around last night, which desperately needed done. I can do some, but definitely not pick up anything heavy.

My plan for today is to photograph a few items that didn't sell in the rummages we had and list on eBay. This is one thing I can do and as I am itching to do something to make some money it is doctor approved.

First I need to do Window Washer again and defrag this dinosaur so when I get back on it will run more efficiently. The defragging can occur while I snooze for an hour. Hopefully I will have more get-up-and-go once I have a nap.

Hey, I hope your morning is going swimmingly. ;)

posted on Oct 28, 2008 8:10 AM ()


My kids would never eat leftovers when growing up. But it so amazing how their attitudes have changed now that they have to prepare the meals.
comment by redimpala on Oct 28, 2008 12:47 PM ()
Any sleep is good sleep
comment by redwolftimes on Oct 28, 2008 9:18 AM ()
you are soooooooooooobad.
comment by fredo on Oct 28, 2008 8:44 AM ()

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