Debbie Reynolds


Debbie Reynolds
Mount Morris, MI
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News & Issues > I AM So Angry!

I AM So Angry!

What kind of person kills a little child? The news today has chronicled not one but two completely senseless murders of children. (Yes, every murder is completely senseless!) A young boy's body was found in an SUV with the same license plate number as the one given in the Amber Alert last week for Jennifer Hudson's nephew. And evidence has been released that confirms human decomposition in Casey Anthony's car.

You cowards! To kill a child, and for what reason? There are no reasons, period. To save yourself? If you would go to such extremes then you don't deserve saving!

And then to hide like the coward that you really are. You can't even man up (or some cases woman up) to what you have done and walk around like nothing happened. I am totally sickened by such behavior. A person of at least 1% integrity would admit to what they have done. Of course if they had any integrity at all, they would not have taken a life in the first place.

I am saddened for those who lose the ones they love in such a violent and selfish manner. Today's news confirms that no matter how high your star reaches you too can be touched by such evil. And the pain is no different for a movie actress than it is for a hard working teacher.

I am just sick about all of this. Such senselessness and sadness. The adults are the ones who are supposed to protect the children, provide them love and security. It is shameful that our children will learn that they must fear the very ones who are supposed to look out for them, and this doesn't just include parents and family. It includes all adults.

In a small town north of here an eleven year old girl was abducted at knifepoint from her bed in the middle of the night and raped over the weekend. And by an adult who knew better but followed his selfish desires rather than take into account that a little girl's life may be changed forever because of his actions. According to the news this courageous little girl escaped and ran the two miles back to her house.

That tears at me too. My little girl be ten this week and if it were my daughter I would want that guy dead too. To feel this way is human nature. But of course I would never follow through with such thoughts, because human nature is to control such urges.

These murders touch everyone, and take away loved ones that filled lives with joy. It is time to express our outrage in ways that keep another child from such a fate.

posted on Oct 27, 2008 1:39 PM ()


comment by greeneyedgemini on Oct 27, 2008 2:20 PM ()
It is absolutely mortifying that stuff like this happens every friggin day.
comment by mrsstu on Oct 27, 2008 2:11 PM ()

that is truly sad indeed...
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 27, 2008 1:54 PM ()

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