So it is Tuesday afternoon. They say that time flies when you are having fun. Maybe time flies faster the older you get.
Our weekend was busy but fun. My daughter had her first soccer game of the season and they tied with a really good girls team from Montrose. (In AYSO they don't keep score, but of course there are parents and players that do!) I was impressed with how well my little sweetie did, considering they have only practiced a few times so far. She played defense for the opposing team first, as they were short players. She also played midfield for her team, and even shot for a goal. It missed the net but she was thrilled anyway. Maybe she is blessed with the athletic talent I could only dream of.
On Saturday afternoon we attended the wedding of R's cousin and his new wife. It was beautiful but brief. I was just glad that the bride didn't melt into a pile of goo as she was so excited she was crying and trying to keep her composure.
Daughter went to her aunt's for the night and R and I attended the reception. It was very lovely and the food and drink were delicious. We were on the second floor of Sullivan's Black Haus in Frankenmuth (behind Bronner's Christmas Store for those of you familiar with it) and I was very impressed with the decor and decorations. They brew their own beer and the Grateful Red was smooth and tasty. I tried the Stout but I am not one for the stronger brews.
Saturday happened to be my birthday, and so I got to celebrate too. I was especially appreciative of the DJ who mentioned that I turned 34 that day. Yes, yes, the numbers are reversed, but indulge me this small fantasy for a little
R mentioned to me that it was nice that he could bring me to an upscale place with (fine) food, drink, and dessert. You have to keep in mind that the groom and much of the crowd were guys who rarely went without hats, and there were quite a few men with white foreheads and tanned faces, not the mention the occasional bald spot.
We did enjoy ourselves that evening. Money has been tight as of late, and R returned to work today after being off for over a week. I didn't mind too much that we didn't celebrate elsewhere. R had his aunt make an outdoor light that runs off solar power and she decorated it with horses.
We ran a yard sale the past two days and it got rained out early evening yesterday. I plan to put it back out in the morning. R is cleaning out his storage unit and we have done fairly well so far with what we have sold.
I got up to see my daughter off to school this morning and then slept in. I am happy to have a few hours to myself, since R has been around every day for awhile and my daughter just returned to school.
It is amazing how fast the weather can change. A week ago it hit 90 and today it is cloudy, windy, and in the mid-sixties. The weather is supposed to be sunny and seventy tomorrow, so that sounds like a good day to start up the sale again.
I am going to end this here. I have a houseful of stuff to do and I still haven't settled on what is for dinner yet. I hope you are having a good day too!