Debbie Reynolds


Debbie Reynolds
Mount Morris, MI
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News & Issues > On 9/11

On 9/11

I am sitting here replying to comments and I just finished my bowl of Birthday Bash ice cream from Kroger. It is not as good as the birthday cake flavor from Schwan's, but it is still good.

I have thought about the fact that today is 9/11 and it is the 7th anniversary of the most tragic day in recent history since the attack on Pearl Harbor. There really is nothing left to write or say that hasn't already been uttered. Because of the nature of who we are, as human beings, we usually remember first where we were and what we were doing on that awful day.

I have read several posts on Blogster today where the author talked about just such memories. Some even took license (in my opinion) and used their blog to promote their political views on which candidate would be the ideal president (or not). Personally, I don't think that combining the two subjects is appropriate or respectful, but this is America, and one of our freedoms is that of speech and opinions.

We have all experienced a death of a person close to us, whether it be a family member, a dear friend, or someone else who was significant in our life. But not everyone has lost a loved one due to violence, whether it be murder, death in war, or the result of a terrorist act. I cannot fully comprehend how that must feel. I am certain there are others out there who do not either.

But we do know loss, and the empty spot in our lives that will never be filled again. To have that loss happen as a result of violence must make it all that much more difficult to get through. I was going to write "get over" but it was a thought in my head as I was writing and of course I know that one never really gets over the loss of another human being.

Some say that it is unnecessary to go through the memorials every year for 9/11. But for those who need it it is a time to connect with that loved one who is no longer present. For the nearly 3000 names that were read today. That represented nearly 3000 lives that had meaning and meant so much to so many.

So then, there should be memorials and services every year. And for the people of New York, a physical memorial available at any time. I read an article on TIME magazine this morning about how long it has taken to complete said memorial. Hopefully it will be completed sooner rather than later. I will include the link below.

So at the end of this day, one that eight years ago was just another day, but today a reminder of the sacredness of life, we bid farewell. We remember those who gave the most that they could, either on our soil or in places foreign, and never forget them, no matter how many days of 9/11 we live.

(Sorry, I couldn't find this on TIME because it was on CNN.)

posted on Sept 11, 2008 9:53 PM ()


great post.
comment by panthurdreams on Sept 12, 2008 2:36 PM ()
Nice post Debbie, with some excellent reflections on life in general and those who had to watch in horror as the towers burned knowing some one they loved dearly were in one of them. I couldn't imagine having to watch those films ever again if we had a loved one in one...what a tragedy...I'll never forget mt surreal experiences on that day...thank you
comment by strider333 on Sept 11, 2008 10:09 PM ()

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