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Rain, Rain ... Are You Coming or Not?!?
Rain, Rain ... Are You Coming or Not?!?
It seems that forecasting the weather has become sort of a hit and miss proposition. No, I'm not referring to hurricanes, but just the occasional rain.
As of last evening, rain was to begin throughout the night, with a few rumbles of thunder. Then it was to rain this morning and then again late this evening throughout the night and into Saturday.
I woke up this morning when R was getting ready for work around 4:30 and noticed the still night and no precipitation. I got up at 8:00 to get daughter ready for school and still no rain. It is gray outside and it looks like the rain wants to fall so badly but is held in place by some invisible barrier.
When you want to set up your yard sale and the weather (or weatherman!) doesn't cooperate, what's a girl to do?!? Wait it out or set it out and then the drops begin to By the way, I think (according to the local forecast on the Weather Channel site) that tomorrow will be a washout. Literally.
Catch me on Sunday. I might be out there hawking my extra stuff then!!!!
posted on Sept 12, 2008 7:07 AM ()
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we did have a wet Summer,very wet.