Debbie Reynolds


Debbie Reynolds
Mount Morris, MI
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Life & Events > It Finally Came

It Finally Came

So rain is what was forecast and rain is what we got. And a lot of it. According to the Weather Channel website it wasn't supposed to rain until during the night on Friday but it rained heavily a couple of times during the evening nonetheless.

Saturday was supposed to be the "pick" day for rain and so it was. My daughter's soccer game was early at 9:00 and it rained throughout the game. There was no thunder or lightning so the game went on as scheduled.

I couldn't complain too much about the rain because in the afternoon there was "heavy" rain. I suppose the umbrella wouldn't hold up as well under a deluge.

Being cold and wet (despite as spectators we had umbrellas) we appreciated the first batch of hot chocolate of the "cocoa season" as my daughter put it. The scrambled eggs and sausage patties we ate for a late breakfast were delicious too.

The rain continued throughout the weekend, thanks to a cold front that swallowed up the remains of Ike. By some accounts we got upwards of four to six inches of rain over the past two days. I am not certain on the numbers as I have steered clear of the news trying to get a respite from pigs wearing lipstick.

It was a good weekend to stay in and that is pretty much what we did. R checked out some good movies from the library (I love free!) and we watched A Few Good Men then Home Fries afterward. R even battled sleep to watch most of Saturday Night Live with me. Daughter had gone with a friend to a sleepover, so we were free to loaf.

Anybody not expecting Tina Fey to play Sarah Palin in a sketch last night was living in la-la land. She was quite the ringer for the gal. Of course Amy Pohler played once again her ongoing role as Hillary Clinton. Even with the little pregnant belly she tried to hide at times she pulled off the Democrat well enough.

There was no hawking of second hand items today. It has rained so much there are small puddles where low spots are in the yard. I think I will probably wait until Tuesday to set out the yard sale again as I fear the whole kit and caboodle will mudslide right into the street.

I stayed put in the house this weekend other than the soccer game and didn't complain a bit about the rain because I realized that we were fortunate to have only gotten inches and not feet. I know there are those who did not fare so well in our soggy country and won't be getting back to "normal" for weeks.

Tomorrow I look for the sun to shine again. I hope it will too wherever you may be.

posted on Sept 14, 2008 7:59 PM ()


Yep you are fortunate
comment by teacherwoman on Sept 15, 2008 11:06 AM ()
Rained here all day.But not from Ike.
comment by fredo on Sept 15, 2008 10:54 AM ()
According to the 11:00 news tonight, Mid-Michigan received 4" to 8" over the weekend. The good news is that it's not supposed to rain again for another week.
comment by busymichmom on Sept 14, 2008 9:09 PM ()
Glad you got some rain!
comment by texastar on Sept 14, 2008 8:47 PM ()
We didn't get any rain from Ike in NY, it stayed to the west, but the front is almost here....76 degrees at almost 11 o'clock. The highs last week were only in the 60s. Naturally I took the a/c out already, but it's pretty cool in here with the windows closed! Have a good one....
comment by jjoohhnn on Sept 14, 2008 8:09 PM ()

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