Debbie Reynolds


Debbie Reynolds
Mount Morris, MI
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Life & Events > Relationships > Proud Parent, Harried Mom, and Recovering Patient

Proud Parent, Harried Mom, and Recovering Patient

I have been in sort of a "funk" for the past few days but today I do feel a lot better. I have had a lot on my mind and the week has had its usual ups and downs. I was able to get out and run some errands today, so I think that has contributed to my better mood. Sometimes it is so easy for me to stay close to home and not go anywhere outside of Mount Morris.

The price of gas hasn't helped that happen either. Finally it is below $4 and I even seen $3.81 a gallon today. It is disgusting that we still get excited over gas that costs so much. We are fortunate that there are many businesses in this area and some of the places we go can be done by biking or walking.

I think that adjusting to life around the school year has something to do with mood as well. I am much happier having more of a set routine, but I guess it has been somewhat of an adjustment after having so much free time during the summer.

I have had a lot on my mind recently. My surgery is three weeks from tomorrow and I have been thinking about it and the recovery period afterward. I am really hoping that I will be mostly myself in a fairly short period of time. I hate the idea of being put under, but know that it is necessary. Fortunately, the hysterectomy and repair of my cystocele and rectocele can be done with few incisions, so recovery will be easier than if they had to really open me up. That is if all goes as planned, and I am keeping optimistic about this.

One of the things that does weigh heavily on me is that I won't be a position to "steer" things for a few days. I am quite the "hands-on" person and my family knows I like to try to keep things between the lines. Yes, it does sound as if I am a control freak. I guess in ways I might be, but R and I share decision-making and he trusts my judgment if he is unable to make a decision.

Those of you who are moms understand because it is just in our nature to be on 24/7. I know that R can keep the helm, so to speak. This may be a good exercise for me to see that R is more on top of things than I give him credit for.

I am trying to be honest here. Letting go for a little while is hard for me. But I can handle it.

I know that one thing that has really boosted my mood was that my son called and told me that tomorrow evening is Parents' Night at the football game and that he wanted me to escort him onto the field when the time came. He is a senior this year and plays in the band. I am so proud of him and I am so proud to stand next to him tomorrow as his mom. I only wished that his dad and grandpa could share in this also.

This seems to be a good place to end this post. I hope that you are enjoying the beauty of this day also.

posted on Sept 18, 2008 12:58 PM ()


Nope, I don't have a choice. I spoke with a nurse from the hospital today and I will be in for a minimum of two days.
comment by busymichmom on Sept 26, 2008 2:23 PM ()
"Letting go" can be hard, but you really have choice, do you? Guess you're just going to have trust others, kick back and recouperate for a while!
comment by hayduke on Sept 22, 2008 10:00 AM ()

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