I slept all morning and have been reading blogs half the afternoon. There are no lights on in the house and I am still in my pajamas. It is gray outside so it is gray indoors too. I have been pretty down today, but reading of others' difficulties makes me realize I shouldn't be complaining too much. At least not today.
There is still a roof over my head, food in my cupboard, warm clothing to wear, and good health for my daughter and I. I know that there are millions that could not claim the same.
I do have to get up from here and shower. I told my daughter that I would walk down and get her from after school program today. Since R is gone there is no more car, but it isn't too cold out either.
My plans and menu for Thanksgiving are still up in the air, as we may end up going somewhere but at this point I'm not sure. I think it is looking like we will have ham rather than turkey because it is getting almost too late to thaw a bird. My daughter loves ham anyway.
So it is off to the bathroom. And then to the school. And then to the kitchen, to make the dinner.
Happy Tuesday, everyone.