I've come to the end of another day. And I survived. Somehow I received a reprieve from the Mean Monday Monster. It was actually a fairly normal day.
I usually cook a meal every evening but just didn't have it in me tonight. So daughter and I had the leftovers from last night. Pork patties with country gravy, creamy party potatoes from the Betty Crocker website (I'll have to get that link to you), and green beans. Later on I decided I wanted something warm and yummy so I made apple crisp.
My daughter went out twice after school to play in the snow. She made a small snowman, but because the snow is quite wet, his head slid off. I guess daughter can do him up right again tomorrow.
It was nice for me to get snow because I didn't have to go out in it today. We got a couple of inches at most, and it is snowing now. The road had snow on it, but by morning will be clear again.
I think I will finish planning Thursday's menu and do the shopping tomorrow. At this point, I don't know if my horsey friend will come because she is sick and has pretty much lost her voice. It might just be my daughter and I.
I am nearly certain my son won't be coming to spend Thanksgiving with us. I called him last week and left a message but it was never returned. On that same day I wrote him a note on MySpace and it was read but I never received a reply. Apparently no answer was the way to go for him.
It will be a good Thanksgiving anyway. I love to cook, and so does my daughter. She likes to help me in the kitchen. We both enjoy a good meal, and we will watch movies and play board games. Maybe go out and play in the snow.
I hope the Mean Monday Monster didn't bother you too much today and you had a good day too.