Debbie Reynolds


Debbie Reynolds
Mount Morris, MI
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Life & Events > Relationships > Enough Already!

Enough Already!

Below is Gary's comment to shesaidwhat's post Contradiction. Below that you will see my reply to his comment. I will NOT sit back and allow him to continuously slander my name. I WILL defend myself and I WILL say that I have had enough of all of this and DO NOT want to and WILL NOT discuss it any more.

Won't go into this "deep" here... but if you "listen" to my blogs, you'll see why I make an "Occasional" blog about "Busymidmich mom" (We are still married, but she won't divorce me). I don't hate her, but I know she still does what she can to #### me over... She always has. I'll constantly tell "truth", and ask for information to get this going. I don't think she has EVER denied a thing I said (Because all true), but I sure challenge her to try... She won't.... Debbie (BusyMichmom) hurts my children... Roxann's and our lives.. so I have absolute no problem saying anything about her. If she wants it over... lets do this divorce!

Take care, Gary
comment by coincutter on Nov 12, 2008 8:07 PM (EST) [ reply ]

Gary knows where I live. That is what got the whole thing started, stating in specifics where I live and that he was thinking of "stopping by". My response to that email was that since Gary knows where I live, then he must also have my address, and that is all that he would need to file for divorce, other than the fee it costs to file.
I am unable to financially file for divorce at this time. I have been under a doctor's care for the past six weeks and have been recovering from surgery. I will be under a doctor's care for the next three weeks and should be able to resume working then.
I will not lower myself to Gary's level by "denying" or disputing whatever he has written. It is obvious that he has no sense of respect for another to write libelous and slanderous allegations on a public website. I have always been respectful to each and every party I have ever written about. I do not have to resort to name calling and low blows to get my point across. Gary's treatment of others, specifically myself, shows exactly what caliber human being he really is, and shows a definite lack of character.
Anyone that has read both coincutter's and my blog can see that I am not hurting Gary's children, Roxann, and their lives. It is obvious by Gary's behavior online that if he would attack me in such a manner then he is capable of attacking another in the same vicious way if they disagree with him, and has in fact done so in past blogs against other bloggers. When someone claims from one side of their mouth that they "care" about you and slanderously attacks you from the other side of their mouth, then that is someone to be avoided.
Because of Gary's attacks on me, I have no further desire to cooperate with him regarding a divorce and filing of taxes. Besides, I have already addressed the issue of taxes in a reply to Roxann's comment, and my name, phone number, and address are in the phone book.
The ball is in Gary's court. I have done what I am capable of doing at this time. And Gary, the only one that f---- over you is yourself. Your blogs here at mybloggers and on Blogster chronicle this well, in your own words.
reply by busymichmom on Nov 13, 2008 10:43 AM (EST)

posted on Nov 13, 2008 7:54 AM ()


I think there is a time & place for this type of discussion, and airing certain things about individuals (that are nobodies business in the first place)is unwarranted & unnecessary. Debbie I think I'd find it creepy that Gary knows where you live..
comment by redwolftimes on Nov 13, 2008 1:36 PM ()

Holy Hell... it's on
I truly hope you guys can get the divorce accomplished which will then negate the need for any further communication or comments between y'all.
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 13, 2008 8:21 AM ()
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 13, 2008 8:10 AM ()

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