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When The Messiah Comes

Entertainment > Movies > Angelina is Wanted

Angelina is Wanted

Angelina IS Wanted
And so the summer blockbuster kerplunks into our laps. Adapted from Mark Millar's graphic novel, Wanted brings us the story of young Wes (James McAvoy) who has a dead-end job, is much-berated by his boss and largely ignored by his girlfriend. It seems, in short, that he will amount to very little. But meeting Angelina Jolie can have a strange effect on a fellow. Here, Jolie plays Fox, an assassin and member of The Fraternity - a secret society headed by the mysterious Sloan (Morgan Freeman) - which works to maintain civilisation by bumping off ne'er-do-wells. Fox recruits Wes when his estranged father (a top Fraternity assassin) is killed, and sets about transforming him into a well-honed, revenge-enacting machine. Wanted is actually tremendous fun and looks stunning, thanks to the art of Russian director Timur Bekmambetov. Jolie is here doing what she does best - smouldering and looking as if she might whup your sorry ass at any minute. And it's hard not to feel a rush of delight for McAvoy, who's cementing his big-league place in Hollywood with what amounts to a rather classy action thriller.

posted on June 28, 2008 2:14 AM ()


This NYTimes bad review means the DVD will reach the discount bins more quickly. "Things happen in “Wanted,” but no one cares. You could call that nihilism, but even nihilism requires commitment of a kind and this, by contrast, is a movie built on indifference. Fox and the rest of the Fraternity — headed by Morgan Freeman, voice and eyes glazed with boredom — initiate Wesley into their killing ways. He, in turn, discovers their dusty secrets (blah-blah, monks and weaving), eyeballs the other guys (Common and Thomas Kretschmann, both wasted) and learns how to make a bullet curve through the air, a trick that soon loses its wow factor. Mr. Bekmambetov jerks the strings, setting his puppets to dancing. Right on cue Mr. McAvoy swaggers and Ms. Jolie smiles even as Mr. Freeman checks his watch, beating me to the punch."
comment by bumpedoff on June 29, 2008 2:57 AM ()
I like her too. Can't wait to see this one.
comment by redimpala on June 28, 2008 9:40 PM ()
Hot, hot, hot! The weather, that is. Glad you're back.
comment by solitaire on June 28, 2008 6:53 AM ()
I like her, even when she did cheesy movies like tomb raider...
comment by ekyprogressive on June 28, 2008 3:24 AM ()

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