Joe Palen


Joe Palen
Eugene, OR
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Life & Events > Let's Not Get Suckered in Again by Low Gas Prices

Let's Not Get Suckered in Again by Low Gas Prices

Remember when we were all excited a few years ago about electric cars and solar energy, wind, geothermal and decreasing exhaust pollution and all that stuff - and then Reagan came and we signed up for a lot of cheap Arab oil and gas became plentiful and affordable and the car companies scrapped the electric cars and we went back to blowing all the exhaust we wanted to out of our oversized SUV monsters that were thought to be safer, but actually were death traps because the huge engines took them much faster that they could be controlled? Well, now after a year or so of astronomical oil and gas prices and obscene oil company profits, when we were all beginning to get rid of our SUV's and come to our senses again about energy, all of a sudden the oil and gas prices have tumbled (along with the stock market) and because suddenly we don't have money for anything but the bankers and CEOs (may their private jets fail to start), we are in dire danger of falling for it again, drilling baby drilling, and falling back on a completely hydrocarbon based energy supply (global warming - who cares)! Don't do it folks! Much as you may love big engines and NASCAR, don't do it! We will be right back in the same mess again in a few years and it will be even harder - maybe impossible - to recover next time. PS what about Al Gore for Secretary of Energy?

posted on Nov 23, 2008 2:57 PM ()


I'm gonna respond, before I read your post. The reason, cause I wanna say what I believe, without anything messing with my brain.

Isn't it "Ironic" at the "end of the Bush" administration, oil prices got cut in "half"? Like right at the END?? LOL.

Not to me, The Bush family are all "oilmen", they controlled it from forever. During the "Bush term (s)" The prices went up. So they and their buddies would all profit. Now, they know it's over (they won't be in office) so they get the arab buddies, and others to make prices low.. So it looks to "some naieve dinks" they did something good...

Once Obama takes office,, watch this.. the "Oil prices will go up".. cause that still on the Bush tails.. but over time, I believe Obama will get it the same.. I believe Bush and Obama have a complete different agenda..

comment by coincutter on Jan 4, 2009 8:59 PM ()
Not once Jan. 20th comes. It is an integral part of the new direction to keep the prices affordable yet to put targets on gas mileage so far as Detroit goes. The new energy policy will be to rely less on oil and more on alternative sources, beginning right away. I think people will continue to conserve because they really got burned this past year.
comment by jondude on Nov 24, 2008 6:27 PM ()
$1.58.9/10 here yesterday.
comment by jondude on Nov 24, 2008 6:09 AM ()
Oh, absolutely. Gas goes down some and you know people are rejoicing because they can now afford to go back to gas guzzling.
comment by troutbend on Nov 23, 2008 3:27 PM ()

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