Joe Palen


Joe Palen
Eugene, OR
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Life & Events > Plants Do It

Plants Do It

As we are beginning finally to learn, a large technical problem is looming.

Namely: Too much carbon dioxide and not enough oxygen in the air. This basically is because we have too many industrial plants (and autos) and not enough green plants. However, this situation cannot be reversed because the human population, which needs industrial plants and autos, continues to increase – causing also a food shortage. Of course we can make legislation and try to limit the “carbon footprint” and plant more trees, and distribute food more equitably etc. But what we really need for this technical problem is a technical solution.

What we need is to synthesize the natural photosynthesis process of plants. Plants take in carbon dioxide plus water and through the process of photosynthesis, using sunlight for energy and chlorophyll for a catalyst, they produce carbohydrates (or proteins if nitrogen from the soil is involved) and oxygen. Since we pretty much understand what is involved, we should, with a little more research, be able to reproduce it on industrial scale, using carbon dioxide and water to make oxygen and carbohydrates. If done efficiently, this “Carbon-Conversion” process would go a long way toward solving our “carbon footprint” problem, and even produce carbohydrates for animal, or even people, food.

Sure, we still need electric cars and as much wind, solar, geothermal, and wave power as we can muster (maybe even nuclear, although it presents its own serious problems), but, no doubt, to produce sufficient electricity we will need more carbon fueled power plants, whether natural gas, “clean coal”, or petroleum, and the Carbon- Conversion process could be an ideal way to handle the carbon dioxide. Of course we would need some seed money and government support, but it probably would not be as much as we just gave the banks and financial institutions. So, let’s go America, plants do it, and, God willing, we can to!

posted on Jan 2, 2009 5:00 PM ()


I well agree that we as a society really do need to save and conserve all of our natural resources such as bituminous coal and natural gas. At this time in our earthly climatic phase - we are into the 10-11 year of total global COOLING as part of a usual 30-35 year cycle - a return to when this part of the country experienced it's coldest temperatures ever in the mid to late 1970's, after record high temps in the early 1950's.
comment by oldfatguy on Jan 3, 2009 2:35 PM ()
I well remember a TV show on PBS Nova a few years ago, an elderly oriental gentleman as emcee,explaining the scientific reasoning behind the fact that there can never be too much carbon dioxide in the air - enmasse as a total whole - because the rate of photosynthesis increases exponentially with the level of CO2 - a rate of 3 to 2. Ergo, double the rate of carbon dioxide going into the atmosphere, and nature - all by itself - will triple the rate of photosynthesis converting it into oxygen.
comment by oldfatguy on Jan 2, 2009 6:00 PM ()
Of course... nobody wants to lose income, especially the big companies, arabs, and whoever else has a hand. The dink "Bush" .. lol. However, if the "oil" peeps, and others could be convinced to adopt these "alternates", if they see the people willing to buy because we really want all better. Maybe, we can adopt other ways for all people. It just may "fly" when the people really become behind alternate fuel methods... I know the system of how we get energy can't be changed overnight. But I do believe it's people that will change it. First.. the "big guns" will see the need to change.. and they will. And we will support it. If the Arabs see "Americans" do not want to be so dependent on oil.. they will eventually change their structure... It takes alot I believe, but everything is "supply and demand". Take the demand for oil from foreign countries, and things will change.

Anyway... stop by my blog anytime. Nice to meet you! I find you intelligent and a good person. My blogs, do not focus on any subject. And yes, I am a Christian (studied Bible like 8 years) but I have some thoughts there. I write about anything. No subject is "out" as far as I am concerned. Just be aware. Take care man... Gary
comment by coincutter on Jan 2, 2009 5:53 PM ()
Interesting post. And although I feel "fairly intelligent" i won't claim to know your "game" better then you (if that makes sense).

I will say, I am from Michigan. I work the Flint/Detroit areas alot. Actually I travel all over with my business. What I see going on in other states, is these huge "wind" power generators. We have taken 2 trips to South Dakota (last two years) and they are all over. I don't understand yet, why they can't be everwhere. Other then cost, or it will hurt something else. I'd like you to eloborate on this.

Take care man... God Bless!
comment by coincutter on Jan 2, 2009 5:21 PM ()

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