Great congratulations to Captain “Sulley†for his consummate skill in landing his plane on the Hudson River in a way to keep it in one piece and save all on board. Never mind Jay Leno’s crack that he had chosen the river rather than land in New Jersey – funny though.
Every time I hear of an airline accident now, since my daughter was laid off from her job as a senior maintenance planner (same airline), I think about maybe it was a mechanical problem. They say this was ducks and that likely is so. But some years ago my son was working in a jet engine research lab with the job to throw chickens into the jet intake for the exact purpose to perfect the design for handling bird incidents (he had to clean up too, so soon applied for a different job). So my question is: are not jet engines supposed to be designed to ingest the poor duck and keep running? Maybe, as someone on TV commented, there were just too many ducks at once (poor ducks - around here they have a hard enough time because all their previous wetlands now have houses- including mine). I like ducks, but I do hope that they are the ones at fault here instead of poor maintenance. However, to quote Jay Leno again, it was not their fault – they were honking!