I'm worried about Annie.... not myself.... but Annie the dog. She just hasn't been feeling well lately. She has also had some "spells" over the last few months. By spells, I mean moments of weakness when she can't seem to stand. Her back legs go weak and she falls down or sits down. Or she appears to loose her balance. She sometimes makes a big puddle on the floor when she first comes in from outside and vigorous exercise.
I'm going to have to take her to the vet which means another big vet bill. I just paid over $500 to the vet and I don't even remember what that bill was all about or even which dog was involved.
I've been googling and I suspect the possibility of canine diabetes. Oh do I hope I'm wrong!!!!!
I've had sooooo many vet visits with my dogs, I'm afraid they will think I'm a nut case that keeps thinking her dogs are always ill. But the fact is, they have been ill or injured each time I have taken them in. There have been very few unnecessary visits.
After Princess's death from Cushings disease, I do admit I'm rather paranoid and probably over-react every time my dog gets the sniffles.
Ohhhh... I just remembered.... that $500 was the last installment to the vet on Annie Dog's surgery for the removal of those benign growths.
The positive side is that I am keeping our vet from experiencing an economic downturn.
It's late (1am) and I need to get some sleep.
Later ya'll - Annie :o)