She has decided to start from scratch. Instead of buying yarn, she is going to shear sheep and turn the wool in to yarn. She'll not only have the added income from becoming a sheep shearer, but this way, she has free wool for making yarn with which she can create all kinds of fabulous knitted items to add to her website.
Here is a picture of nittineedles learning how to shear a sheep. Hey, she looks like a pro.

Of course, it will go faster once she learns how to use electric shears.
Now it turns out that some times, she only needs a little bit of wool for a small project such as those wonderful book markers she knits for sale. Sooooo... she doesn't even need the wool from the whole sheep. Being the conservationist that she is.... she only takes what she needs. Here is the result.

Poor sheep. I think this sheep would be happier if she would finish the job. There are somethings that can't be left half-shorn. lol
Also, nittineedles is thinking about a vacation. She mentioned that she has always wanted to go on a cruise. Of course, it won't be just a regular cruise. She is shopping around for a knitting cruise.

I've heard of themed cruises, but isn't this kind of odd. Personally, I'd rather play shuffle board than be knitting. But, to each his/her own. lol
So we wish Nittineedles the very best in her knitting business.
(((hugs))) from all us at
Annie :o)