The best way to counter the truth when you want to hide the truth is to use humor. That is exactly what Barack Obama is doing. He has resorted to joking about his liberal ideology with jokes about sharing toys in kindergarten and sharing his peanut butter sandwich. Yes, he gets laughs, but he also manages to downplay what is truth. Obama is the most liberal Senator on the Hill and his choice of "buddies" says alot about the real Obama. His ideals about spreading the wealth and more government are pure socialism.
Don't be fooled by his joking. He wants you to believe he is a middle of the road person and he is nothing of the sort.
By-the-way... do you really want Bill Ayers, Farrakan, Rev. Wright, Rashid Khalidi, etc..... spending the night in the Lincoln bedroom????
Vote smart! Vote for Democracy! Vote McCain/Palin!
This message is approved by Annie L.

You do what you have to do.
I get the message there.Good luck on your choice.