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Life & Events > Annie's Ponderings

Annie's Ponderings

I usually call it "pondering." That word is sometimes used in the Bible such as when Mary, Jesus' mother, or Sarah, Abraham's wife, "pondered" what they were told by angels. Now, I haven't been talking to any angels lately, but still I find myself "pondering" certain things.

I've been thinking about where this world is headed. Seems like so much has been happening so fast lately. We have taken this huge economic nose-dive, the world is becoming more unsafe with terrorist attacks, we are in a "cultural revolution" unlike anything we have seen since the 1960's and 70's, and where does the church stand in all of this upheaval???? See... I said I've been thinking and probably thinking too much. Maybe that is why I've been having headaches? lol

Well... I haven't come up with any "fer sure" thoughts, but I will share what I feel are some real possibilities. I think that the government is printing way to much money and they are about to spend us in to a very deep hole. Our dollar is worth less and less and soon Monopoly money will be worth just as much as the dollar. I think this economic downturn will continue down and the end result will be depression worse than America or the world has ever seen. Looking in to my crystal ball... I see very bad times ahead. Soooo... get out your soup bowls and start looking for that proverbial soup line.

Because of "Obama enthusiasm," I think there may be a short break in that downward spiral when Obama does come in to office, but he hasn't got any magic powers that I have heard about, so I don't think he can pull us out of this mess. If anything, printing more money and giving it out like Santa Claus will only lead us deeper down the path to destruction. I hope I am wrong, but if I were to bet... I'd stick with what I have predicted.

I've also been thinking about America as a world power. Economically, we are declining fast and militarily, we aren't much better off. Not because we don't have fire power or a great army, but because we have become a nation of pacifist. We would rather "not get involved" and let the world be taken over by what amounts to religious fanatics than to commit to protecting our freedoms by the use of military force. Either we aren't taking Islam seriously or we just don't care. I think it is the former and that we are naive about the true objectives of Islam. Jihad is a fundamental doctrine of Islam which basically says, "convert or die." They hate Israel and they hate anyone who has stood alongside Israel. We are at the top of their enemy list. So get ready to fight or die.

Now... as for the church. Like the churches of Europe in the past century, the church in America has become complacent and compromising. Members no longer look to the Bible for direction in their lives, but they are looking within themselves for guidance. If it feels good or feels right or is what seems right... that is the direction the church will take. Doesn't matter what the Bible has to say. On many moral issues, the church doesn't consult the Word of God. I see this change in church thinking as leading to a moral decline within society and a turning away from God. Like I mentioned, Europe took this path during the last century and now the church in Europe has few members and those countries have little moral compass. For the most part, European churches are pretty much dead.

During WWII, Hitler gained power and support through the churches. Most of my relatives in Germany were Lutheran and they strongly supported the anti-Jew sentiment and to them, Hitler was a God. No wonder the Catholic Church has had to apologize to the Jews. The Lutherans should be apologizing, too. They were all up to their "eyeballs" in supporting Hitler.

In total, I think we are facing a new world and it isn't a good world. I know that I am sounding really negative, but I am concerned for the future of America and all Americans. I think we don't have to go down this road, but unless we get our heads out of the sand and wake up... well.... it isn't going to be good.

Like I said, just thinking here and this is what came out of all that thinking. Agree or disagree... just make note of it and in a few years... get back to me and we will continue this conversation.

Okay, I'm putting away my crystal ball for now and getting on with my day.

Annie :o)

posted on Dec 6, 2008 2:46 PM ()


Well you know the Bible says that in the last days there will be a great turning away and many hearts will wax cold and follow false prophets and beliefs. I think we are and have been seeing that creep it's way into the church for many years now. It is hard to find a church that still stands by God's word. Thankfully, the one we go to does but, I know they are becoming fewer and far between in this day and age. I like this quote that I read in the youth department many years ago while our son was only about 7 to 8 years old. It said...."What's *popular* isn't always right" and "What's right isn't always *popular*". That quote has stayed with me all of these years as it is so true. At the time I was meeting my son as he was coming out of his Sunday School class and we were on our way to worship services. Our Sunday School class was down the hall from his. Good post Annie!!
comment by texastar on Dec 7, 2008 1:32 PM ()
The world is definitely changing, but this is nothing new. Everything (peace, economics, etc.) runs in cycles that are evident if you look at history. I think we are in a struggling time, but I think things will improve.
comment by lunarhunk on Dec 7, 2008 7:44 AM ()
Hi Annie,
Today I posted about 2012..enjoy
comment by anacoana on Dec 7, 2008 7:38 AM ()
My take on these times: Since I 'saw' this coming back in the '70's, via meditation. It had to happen, the old has to make way for the new. It was way beyond fixing. So as the baby-boomers go through the "change of LIFE" and the Earth goes through It's changes, and the Planets go through their cycles.
WE LIVE AT AN EXCITING MOMENT IN COSMIC TIME. Vast cycles are ending as new and wondrous cycles begin. Accelerated change is the name of the game as consciousness is transformed on the planet.
2,000-year Age of Pisces moving into the age of Aquarius.
Astrological Great Year, of roughly 26,000 years is ending as we approach an astrological new year.
The 5,125 year Mayan calendar ends in era 2012 as the sun crosses the galactic equator at December solstice over a period of 36 years.
Hindu ans Vedic tradition, the darkness of Kali Yuga gives way to light of Satya Yuga, the Age of Truth.
This is based on 26,000 year cycle known as the Procession of the Equinoxes, (earth wobbles on it's axis).
So did the Ancients watch the stars..yes... were they able to "predict" these cycles would come around again, of course.
All that is happening, these cycles, were known and anticipated.
It's not fixed as to HOW the events we will occur, that they will yes!
With our thought, love and healing and releasing our stuff, we can co-create our future.
All the "positive thinking" stuff is not fluffy feel good stuff it's reality, impressing outcomes we will live in.

Hope this gives you hope and a positive point of view to ponder yonder....
comment by anacoana on Dec 6, 2008 4:02 PM ()
I have faith in Barack Obama to bring about the change our country needs right now.He won't be able to do it all at once but he has the right ideas and is for the people.I have been reading all his books and the books written about him for the last 2 years.He is a fair and compassionate man.
I pray every single night for a better world.I do understand your fears though. Laurie
comment by dogsalot on Dec 6, 2008 3:59 PM ()
yes i know somethings make u wonder dont they where it all leading to

at least you have some comfort in your faith
take care
comment by oldroan on Dec 6, 2008 3:21 PM ()
annie dont ponder to much youll end up depressed but i know what you mean we just have to trust our leaders and in some cases go with the flow have a great day love cath xxxxxxxxxxxx
comment by oldroan on Dec 6, 2008 3:03 PM ()

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