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Inspirational Thoughts

Education > Human Imagination is a Powerful Tool ...

Human Imagination is a Powerful Tool ...

I usually meditate in the mornings and I do use a CD by Brian L. Weiss, M.D."Mirrors of Time" I like the guided visualization offered by him to relax all of my body, use of healing colors to clean/heal. Visualization is for me a very powerful 'tool'. Ana

At The Feet Of The Divine
Laying Our Burdens Down
We weren’t meant to carry such heavy burden alone; visualize yourself laying down your burden and feel the lightness.
We all know the feeling of walking through life as if we are carrying the huge burden of our worries and stresses on our backs and shoulders, struggling to keep moving forward. There is no real way to move freely and fluidly in such a situation, and we are all longing to lay our burdens down. Just imagining that it would be possible to do such a thing can be enough to elicit a sigh of relief and a feeling of lightness.
The human imagination is a powerful tool, and we can use it to take journeys to faraway places without ever leaving our home. Because of this, we too can lay our burdens down at the feet of a divine being such as the great Mother, Buddha or a mountain. Releasing ourselves from that which we can’t handle on our own. No matter how smart we are, how capable we are, or how hard we work, no one can single-handedly cope with all the worries that we tend to take on in the course of our lives. And, we aren’t designed to do so. Our well-being depends upon our ability to hand over that which we can no longer carry by ourselves.

Visualizing yourself carrying your burdens to the feet of someone or something much bigger than you can be a powerful daily practice. To begin, sit with your eyes closed and envision an all powerful, supremely comforting being in what ever form that takes for you, standing at the end of a road. See yourself carrying a large sack, box, or other container, imagining that all your worries are inside it. Watch as you make your way to the being of your choice, and lay your baggage down at their feet. Allow yourself to feel the lightness and relief of this action, express your gratitude, and surrender. You will be amazed by how this simple meditation can liberate you from a burden you were never meant to carry.

posted on Feb 8, 2011 12:46 PM ()


Visualization is so wonderful and restorative. Great post, Ana!
comment by marta on Feb 8, 2011 6:40 PM ()
I like that image of carrying the heavy box to the end of the road and giving it into the care of someone else. Thanks!
comment by troutbend on Feb 8, 2011 4:57 PM ()
I did it last night, brought my baggage to Jesus and Mary/Quan Yin, wow what an amazing morning we had...many THANKS Jesus and Quan Yin....
reply by anacoana on Feb 9, 2011 6:42 PM ()
I visualize positive things all day long--it keeps me going!
comment by greatmartin on Feb 8, 2011 2:07 PM ()
Wonderful Martin, good for you and us too. Thank you for sharing.
reply by anacoana on Feb 8, 2011 2:12 PM ()
We all need an outlet for the stress of daily life. When it gets too much for me, I ask God to real down with his right hand, take mine and pull me to his bosom. That brings me such a sense of relief to know that He will take on my burdens, comfort me, and carry me until I am strong enough to walk once more on my own.
comment by redimpala on Feb 8, 2011 2:04 PM ()
Beautiful, I really like this, I will do this too. PHEW!
reply by anacoana on Feb 8, 2011 2:10 PM ()
and you also feel the energy.Not sure lot of people mediate and if they do will feel a lot better with themselves.I for one.
While you are doing this.put your two hands together and then sway them back and forth and feel the energy from light to heavy.
I loved it when its happen.Think of something in the past or future.
For me it is always on the ocean and the waves with the sounds that it makes.Oh!well can go on and on.
comment by fredo on Feb 8, 2011 1:49 PM ()
MORE please, this is great, love to read more about your experiences. Thank you so much.

I'm also a water/beach/waves/sun person. Ahhhhh
reply by anacoana on Feb 8, 2011 2:15 PM ()

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