Don Paskowski


Don Paskowski
Gloucester, MA
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Reading Lost Boy Lost Girl

Life & Events > Just a Start ...

Just a Start ...

I just woke from a nap. (Janet, I can see your eyes rolling and hear you saying "Wake up!")

Necessary sleep.
I'm refreshed.
I told her I wouldn't hide anymore.
I wouldn't make myself invisible.
And then she posted her "...Part Two."
And I read it and said. "But I'm not ready!"
She and I had a talk last night, and she had to pull some of my teeth to get me to say I'm not ready....

See, I can remember as far back as the age of two and having to wear a body cast because my heel cords and abductors had to be lengthened to increase flexibility because I was born with, and still have, spastic (tight and not spasmodic in the way we think of spasms)leg muscles....

New thought... with the best of intentions, because Boston Children's Hospital is a teaching hospital, having my surgeon come in to an exam room with 8 to 10 students at a time--not every check up but regularly enough--and explain my case to them while I sat on a on the table in, literally, nothing but my underwear.

and he'd show my range of motion, and sometimes he'd have a student do the check up and ask me questions, and I pretended it was no big deal to sit in my underwear with ten to 12 people looking at me in nothing but a very clinical way, but underneath it, I felt like a specimen in a jar.

So, I would do things to distract the parts of my body that goosebumps trailed over because sometimes it's cold sitting in a room with nothing but your underwear on and ten or twelve people looking at your body and not at you.

So, sometimes, like one time when I was about 7, 8, and a group of students came to look at my body, i noticed a beautiful girl of at least Asian decent, long soft, shiny black hair past her shoulders, resting against the standard white lab lips...dark almond eyes, slim legs, somewhat boxy navy skirt that made me wonder what her hips looked like--

and I had to fight down a rod-on.

Yes, I was that sexually aware and aroused at 7 or 8, even before then, I used to imagine my teachers in only bra and panties...

Where was I?

oh yeah, but I felt like a specimen, but if I faked nonchalance, and laughed even about having 10-12 people look at my body, then I could make it easier for everyone else.

And I've realized only extremely recently, that I have been taking on the discomfort and nervousness of others with regard to how I look and walk...I've taken it on as my own and taking that on and taking on the rejection of girls and later women as my issue and not theirs or society's led to my anxiety and panic attacks and hurry hurry hurry don't slow people the same as they.

Don't acknowledge your difference. And I've internalized it all for decades and that's bad.

But the knowing is progress. And I know that that the issues with the way my legs look and the way I walk, any discomfort and nervousness I see on the faces of others is their issue, not mine.

It doesn't mean I don't still have my moments, but th knowledge I'm gaining is power, people.

And, lastly for now, there was I time I wanted to die, but I'd put myself to bed by saying:

"Hang on and get out of bed tomorrow because tomorrow may be the day that changes your life for the better and for good."

And Used to also say....

"Some day I am going to find a woman who looks through it and sees me. And loves me.

And I'll be able to look back at the little boy...the teenager...the young adult...the man...

and all the years of trying to be invisible...all of the years of hating myself...

and see how strong they were and be able to say,

'Thank you for carrying me this far. I know it hasn't always been easy. I couldn't have done it without you. You can rest now.'

Well, I've found her, she's come to me, and her name is Janetk

posted on May 14, 2008 12:34 PM ()


Don, I never commented on your posts. I occasionally read them. Because something AJ wrote I started reading more blogs of Janet and finelly was linked by her to this post. It must have been not easy posting this one. Its a post which "touched" me a lot. Life must have had some very difficult periods for you. Congrats in finding Janet as your biggest fan! It must felt relieving as well writing this all. If you dont mind i will add the both of you to my list. again: thx sharing.
comment by itsjustme on June 4, 2008 4:52 AM ()
What a beautiful and heartfelt post. Thanks for finding the courage to share with us about your pain and now your joy! You have earned it! Enjoy
comment by frogfenatic on May 20, 2008 10:26 PM ()
Way to go Don. Janet is truly a wonderful woman, as you are also a truly wonderful man! You both deserve all the love and blessings that this life has to offer!
comment by dakmom on May 18, 2008 3:58 PM ()
Answered prayers You've gotten rid of the burden of the extra weight you carried. This wasn't your burden to carry (worrying about how others view you). And now you have someone who sees your beauty inside and out.
comment by firststarisee on May 15, 2008 7:28 AM ()
All I can say is Wow, you are amazing
comment by shesaidwhat on May 15, 2008 6:45 AM ()
Don I can't imagine what it took to write this. to let us all 'see' what its like being you. I have enjoyed reading Janet's blogs about this topic and I am glad she is making us all more aware. to me, people with physical impairments are some of the most courageous people I could ever meet. They rise above their limitations and are usually living their life much better than I ever could with no physical limitations. Please, write more articles like this. Let us all know, teach us what we should do. thank you my friend.
comment by elkhound on May 14, 2008 5:46 PM ()
Don I think your a lucky man. You know who you are...and you've found something a lot of people never find. Your very blessed my friend.
comment by elfie33 on May 14, 2008 3:49 PM ()
You guys rock in such a magical, wonderful way, that there isn't even a word to describe it.
comment by mellowdee on May 14, 2008 2:35 PM ()
Thank you *so* much for writing and posting this, my Sweet.Thank you for trusting me and believing, if only just a little, in the power of *you*.And I like emoticons, so f*ck you.
comment by janetk on May 14, 2008 2:11 PM ()
comment by meranda on May 14, 2008 1:39 PM ()

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