Don Paskowski


Don Paskowski
Gloucester, MA
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Reading Lost Boy Lost Girl

Life & Events > I Have All My Wits and All My Limbs ... .

I Have All My Wits and All My Limbs ... .

water can kill.
luckily, it didn't kill me.
or anyone else.
flakes, everywhere driving down,
look so benign.
driving I-89 south.
I saw 4,5 cars that had taken a ditch,
I wasn't worried.
I had fish0tailed twice
but righted the car
and continued on a 20-25 mph pace.

then sleet, frozen rain.
i was driving in a pair of bare tracks
but ever so slightly nudged the wheel, and hit ice, jumped the track,
slalomed and swerved about 150 feet,
couldn't right the car;

knowing I was fucked beyond belief,
I offered everything up
(360 once; 360 twice; 180 thrice)
car and guardrail united, bounced my focus
almost perpendicular to the road,
(benign snow everywhere cascading down.)

it must have been the drug, the celexa, that kept me calm,
allowed me to offer it all up...

I sat for a half hour before a wrecker came.
The guy knocked on the passenger window, opened the door.
"Can you get out?"
"Not sure. It's a little deep here."
"Try it. I'll wait."
The guy stopped traffic.
I got my focus back on the road.
drove home.
1135 pm sunday night. I shut my apartment door on the rain and cold.

My phone rang. I knew it was Janet.
She cried so hard and long.
I couldn't understand a word she said,
other than:

"I'm awake, right? I'm not dreaming? you're alive?"
I assured her I was alive and well.
She was not talking to my ghost....

The car is totaled.
I'm alive.
Didn't die.
What happens to me matters.
to 4 people in Janet Land.
(My birth family doesn't know about this near miss

I'll let them know,
but maybe not until
i show up in mom's driveway
with a different Ford

Maybe more on this at another time,
maybe not.

Depends on the "hits"
from the Devine....

Remember, Folks.

You never know.

Love well.
Love deep.
never worry
about what others think
of you...

posted on Dec 2, 2008 3:37 PM ()


comment by shesaidwhat on Dec 16, 2008 5:17 PM ()
So glad you're okay!
comment by mellowdee on Dec 13, 2008 2:04 PM ()
I'm glad your alright. *hugs tight* Remember cars can be replaced, people can't...stay safe
comment by elfie33 on Dec 5, 2008 10:15 AM ()
How awful. I'm so glad you were okay.
comment by meranda on Dec 3, 2008 7:54 AM ()
It happens so quickly...and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
Just glad you are OK!!!
For you and your Canadian family!!
comment by sybilmariee on Dec 3, 2008 1:38 AM ()
Eleven thirty five...
comment by janetk on Dec 2, 2008 5:38 PM ()
comment by firststarisee on Dec 2, 2008 4:40 PM ()
don, I am so glad you were not hurt! from reading your sweetie's blog earlier I could tell how afraid she was. but those angels are powerful beings
comment by elkhound on Dec 2, 2008 4:12 PM ()
I had a similar incident when I was in college, and it was freaking scary. I am glad that it turned out well!
comment by lunarhunk on Dec 2, 2008 4:05 PM ()
Sounds like a close call. Hmmm, "you never know".

I read Janet's post earlier. She was very worried about you, as you know.
comment by stiva on Dec 2, 2008 3:51 PM ()

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