Don Paskowski


Don Paskowski
Gloucester, MA
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Reading Lost Boy Lost Girl

Education > The Day is So Gorgeous

The Day is So Gorgeous

I'm amped up, and procrastinating. I'm at work right now, supposed to be polishing up a resume--which I will get to, but
felt like posting first.

I'm not sure there's anything important to say-- well there is something that popped into my head and it scares me to talk about because I'm scared to admit that it hurt me, but I'm am going to admit that it hurt me, and I'm going to admit that it hurt me so that I don't internalize it.

I admitted the hurt to my Canadian Goddess, but I admit it again:

The Mental Midget K's comment cut deeply. Not the "EWWWWW" as much as being referred to as a "science experiment". Logically, I know that K is just an ignorant self-absorbed mental pygmy, but I spent a *long* time internalizing many things, and I used to chalk up people's reactions to me as passive misunderstanding; I never let myself believe that anyone could live in such active, hurtful ignorance.

Her comment hurt so much that I spent a couple days not only wondering about the reactions of strangers but also wondering about what's in the minds of even my friends when it comes to how they really view me when they think of me as a sexual person....

The important thing is that Janet sees me for me-- and not the package I'm in. And she always has seen me for the package I'm in. And that is what matters, that's all that matters.

And she has faith in me, and her children get it, too. It's unfortunate, as Janet reminds me all the time, that she and her little people, are the exception right now, and not the rule.

OK I've talked enough right now.

Have an a great Sunday.

posted on June 1, 2008 10:39 AM ()


Thanks, AJ.
comment by turftoe331 on June 4, 2008 4:32 AM ()
Don, I feel sorry for K's ignorance and lack of spirit. Her comments come from a fear within her. Better to deal with her than have to "be" her. How shallow

to you!
comment by shesaidwhat on June 3, 2008 8:13 AM ()
don't know who 'K' is, nor do I want to know who she is..
To be honest, I don't really know what your situation is other than you have a challenge in every day life.
Something that these small minded people need to remember, no matter how 'perfect' we think we are..we ALL have some sort of a it physical, emotional or spiritual.
What kills me is the fact that there are a lot of people out there who think they are perfect, and the truth of the matter is they have a bigger challenge in life than you do....mostly because of their single vision small minded lives they are leading.
They need an awakening to what real life is all about...and they need to realize that people are who they are inside...not on the outside.
All I can say is #### em' don't need them, you have what you need and she lives in Canada.
In my mind...that is perfect...and you are as well!!
comment by sybilmariee on June 2, 2008 3:35 PM ()
The ignorance of some people completely floors me -- and you're totally right -- unfortunatley, Janet and her kids are definitely the exception to the rule. I can't help but wonder if the mental midget's husband were to suddenly end up in a wheelchair, if she would see him in the same way -- a science experiment. Probably not.
comment by mellowdee on June 2, 2008 11:53 AM ()
I think K's comments were done in ignorance. She needs to be educated, and I think you and Janet are doing a very good job of doing just that. *hugs to you both *
comment by elfie33 on June 2, 2008 9:42 AM ()
I didn't see "K's" comments, so can't comment on them myself. All I know is that anyone who chooses to only look at "the cover of the book" is surely missing the treasure held within. You are truly a beautiful man, and you have been blessed by an equally beautiful woman in Janet. I wish you only happiness forever and for always! As for anything that someone says "ewwwww"......I think they need to let themselves feel, rather than just thinking in terms of "dirty" or "too private". Love is a beautiful thing and sexuality is at it's core.
comment by dakmom on June 2, 2008 7:30 AM ()
Remember that when we just brush off hurtful comments without acknowledging the way that they made us feel, we aren't moving forward.So, I'm proud of you for all that you've shared with me and I'm equally, if not more, proud of you for writing and posting this. For giving yourself a voice instead of waiting for someone to hear you.And finally, I wonder, just now, if K's comment hurt a bit more than usual because she's my *friend*. Not some stranger. Maybe the hurt came from the fact that I liked her for a long time.P.S. I love the package you come in...
comment by janetk on June 1, 2008 4:13 PM ()
I think that K's reaction has to be in the minority. I can't imagine rational human beings actually feeling that way. perhaps I am naive. there are just certain people who are clueless when it comes to empathy. perhaps we could do a science experiment on K, transplant her brain with a chicken.
comment by elkhound on June 1, 2008 11:04 AM ()
You are definitely focusing on the most important part. On a side note, I get the "Ewwwww" feeling whenever I think of ANY of my friends doing sexual stuff. I just don't want to know. With that said, I am so happy that you hand the J-girl make each other so happy!
comment by lunarhunk on June 1, 2008 10:50 AM ()

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