But watershed coalition duty calls, so I get up most mornings in time to get through our highway closure area between 6:00 and 8:30 am. I go to a meeting or two, and then kill time in town until 4 pm when the road opens up for a few hours. It is closed overnight. Fortunately, I have the use of a cubicle I can use at the Public Works building where our coalition office is, but I pretend I'm at home and working on computer projects, so I watch Netflix movies on my iPod, same as I would do if at home. They have a faster Internet connection, so it's nice.
I had to replace my truck battery - a couple of near misses when it went totally dead in town but fortunately there were people around willing and able to jump it so I could get home. The nice thing about it was that while I waited for the new battery to be installed, I had time to window shop at Sam's Club and look at a lot of stuff very closely. My impulse purchases were accessories for my iPod like a longer charging cord and bluetooth speakers that I am currently taking great advantage of.
My rain gauge looks like this. I am an official reporter through a nationwide organization called CoCoRAHS - Community Collaborative Rain, Hail & Snow network.

I measure the depth of new snow and the water content. Once a week I measure the depth of snow on the ground and the water content. This involves melting it with some hot water and a little bit of math. If you want to participate in this program, CoCoRAHS they need reporters of all ages from all over the country and would be glad to hear from you.
Here is Eloise on the road to Las Vegas:

This is the road to Las Vegas in Utah, but Wyoming looks a lot the same, so now you've seen two states.