Our daily highs are close to 80 degrees, ten degrees above normal, and there has been no rain in two months so the fire danger is extremely high. We had one nippy night that withered my tomato and zucchini vines, so no more growing. I ripped them all out today.

Maybe with the delayed frost this will be a better year for the aspen leaves.
Here are my potatoes that I am letting stay in the ground as long as possible, and the zinnia I planted from seed finally bloomed. If I ever decide to do zinnias again, I'm buying them from the nursery already half-grown.

All the hummingbirds have finally left. There was one here the day before yesterday, and now none at all. It's very quiet around here without them.

This is the last, the very last columbine. All the others finished blooming weeks ago, but this one hung in there.

Good-bye summer. Bu-bye. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. See you next year, summer. Bu-bye, now. It's been fun. Toodle-oo.