It started snowing yesterday morning at 6 a.m., and it's still coming down. If it was the light, fluffy snow that falls in the cold of winter, it would be 3 feet deep, but this is wet, warm snow with occasional rain. The temperature is hovering around the freezing mark.
I had 8 inches of snow where I measure it, and there are places where it's deeper due to drifting. Big slabs of it are sliding off the roof and piling up around the edges of the house. The thumps make it less lonely or maybe spooky depending on how I want to look at it.
Last night at midnight my generator came on, so the power had gone out. For about half an hour I debated calling it in, but finally decided I needed to. They said I was the only caller from my area, but there was another outage in town. I told them I have a generator so I'd be fine until they could get here. I unplugged a bunch of stuff that I can live without to lessen the load on the generator.
One of my internal debates was what to do about my yard light. If I left it on, or left the house lights on, the utilities guys might think my power was still on. So I shut off the big yard light via a switch here in the house and went back to bed. Around 2:30 the generator went off and they called me to make sure the power was back on.
I looked outside, and someone had walked all around the cabin next door, maybe because that's where the trucks are parked, and there was no indication that my house is occupied since the car inside the garage. They might have noticed the sound of the generator running. Before the flood the town put a sign on our main power pole that we have a generator, but when I asked them for on to put on the new pole, they didn't know what I was talking about. I'll make one of my own because I think they need to know it. This morning I tried to follow their tracks along the power line to figure out where it broke, but didn't find the spot.
This turkey came to visit yesterday. She dug down into the snow and looked like she was eating the grass. There was cornbread out there for the birds, but she didn't seem to be interested. Last week two of them were here eating berries off the bush by the dining room, and I hope the other one is okay. They are the same size as a fox, and foxes don't usually bother the adult turkeys.
The snow is so wet, when the big utility repair truck drove on it, it packed down and was lifted up to make this ramp. When I walk on it, it packs under my feet so in a lot of places I'm not reaching the ground.