The chew marks on the trees are 3 and 4 feet above ground, and the beavers are pushing the protective chicken wire aside to get at the trunks and branches, felling larger and larger trees every few days. I picture these giant mutant beavers as standing about 4 feet tall, walking around on their hind legs like bears.
This is the latest tree, and I am counting on them to come back and carry it off. There are some stumps in the area where they have completely removed similar-sized trees.

There is still a lot of chicken wire on it.

I wrapped some chicken wire around the places where they'd started.

There is nothing we can do about the beavers except shoot them*, and that's hard because they are nocturnal and we're not much of a shot. We don't know where their lodge is - where all this wood is getting hauled off to - so don't know where to look for them except at the current felled tree.
*The Dept of Wildlife says we're on our own, and there is no place to relocate them to because nobody wants them.