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This Oughta Be Good

Life & Events > Frugal Holiday Decorating

Frugal Holiday Decorating

You know how much I like those little decorating nuggets in the newspapers. This is from the Las Vegas paper:

' "Homeowners can easily give their homes a fresh look this holiday season without spending a lot of money. One simple way to update the look and feel of a room is to add an affordable, bold accent piece, such as a red lamp shade or purple throw pillow," said Joshua Thomas of Target.'

Yes, a gaudy new throw pillow will certainly make my season cheerier and take my mind of the bad economy. And the red glow through a red lamp shade will bring fond memories of Ho Ho houses.

I have a four-foot fiber optic Christmas tree that I paid $2.50 for at an auction and going to put some lights along the bridge over the Big Thompson River. I can turn them on from inside the house. Cars will be able to see them from the highway. It'll be spiffy.

It's particularly gloomy in Las Vegas - for the first time in recorded history the population decreased with the exodus of 10,000 people. I'm not sure how they know that, maybe going by driver licenses that weren't renewed.

You know how over the top everything is in Las Vegas, so of course their housing market has crashed the hardest, and the fraud is worse there. The local paper called it 'ground zero for housing fraud.' People are losing their homes and heading back to where they came from. Even health care jobs are being lost because all the elective surgery centers are closing for lack of clients.

State tax revenues are way down, and severe cuts are going to be made to the educational system, which is already 47th in the United States.

I'm thinking about that When I'm an Old Lady I Shall Wear Purple poem, the basis for that Red Hat Society. In my case I want to be an old lady wearing a red lampshade on my head chugging down eggnog without a care about the calories.

posted on Nov 29, 2008 11:10 AM ()


Like a red lampshade will help us forget the economy.
comment by elderjane on Dec 4, 2008 2:21 AM ()
Along with recipes of more than 4 steps, I have been avoiding all Wal-Mart-Target-711 type decorating tips for years. Maybe I have lived a misspent life? When I am older, I will still be trying for foxy. Children will point. Dogs will bark. Young men will larf. So what.
comment by tealstar on Nov 29, 2008 12:27 PM ()
I knew there was a word for that pillow when I saw the picture. I should have also known that it would be a woman's-word! Yup, "gaudy"! Sure'nuff, that's it!
comment by jjoohhnn on Nov 29, 2008 11:46 AM ()

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