A happy little blurb in today's paper caught my eye:
"Color forecasters believe citron yellow paint can help take the chill of the country's economic troubles. One shade, St. Elmo's Fire by Benjamin More, is being promoted not only for kitchens, where yellow traditionally resides, but for any room. 'Yellow is a color emblematic of transition,' says a paint company spokeswoman. She suggests pairing it with such unexpected hues as pink or gray. **
St. Elmo's Fire (this paint color not the real thing) has a bit of chartreuse edge to it; it's not something you are likely to find coating the walls of a New England farmhouse."
Wikipedia says that St. Elmo's Fire is a 'bright blue or violet glow' so I don't know where these Benjamin Moore people got the idea that yellow-green should carry that name. Sniffing too much product, I'm guessing.
Back to the advice: "Try painting a home office wall this fall with St. Elmo's Fire and see if it puts you in a better mood when you're paying bills."
Yeah. Right. That'll turn the economy around.
** Pink or gray and this yellow-green sounds like something I saw in a 1954 home improvement magazine, and I'm going to have to see this combination on HGTV to think it's a good idea.