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This Oughta Be Good

Life & Events > Cats Mostly

Cats Mostly

On the way home from the casino, after all that hard work, he mustered up the energy to stop at the Walmart Neighborhood Market and buy cat food. We are trying some canned food on Eloise because she has always eaten moist food that comes in pouches, and this canned stuff is a little bit cheaper. At one time she was refusing to eat the canned, and a lot of it was going to the foxes. This month she seemed to like Mixed Grill flavor, and that was our previous cat Buddy's favorite. Well they don't have Mixed Grill any more, so we are trying Country Style Dinner and Supreme Supper. You know there can't be that much difference from one can to the next, so I don't know why they can't stick with the tried and true name: Mixed Grill. We didn't want the cats to turn up their noses at these new names, so used a Sharpie to cross them out and wrote Mixed Grill on the cans. That'll fool those cats and keep them chowing down.

There is a cat door for the Las Vegas cat that takes him out into the garage, and from there he can got through a vent hole to the outside. Eloise hasn't figured it out yet, and we hope she doesn't because we don't think she would know how to get back home if she escaped. However, for all we know, she comes and goes at night and gets back home before sunrise and we don't know the difference.

The cats have a new toy: Animal Planet Laser Something, battery powered. It projects a red laser dot onto the floor and walls in a random pattern for 20 minutes at a time, relieving us of having to do it manually because Eloise doesn't instantly start playing with it - she sits for 10 minutes watching it before deciding if it's worth chasing. The Las Vegas cat is spooked by the very slight noise it makes because he is an outside cat, living on his wits much of time, and has to be cautious of everything, so he wants nothing to do with it.

The weather here in Las Vegas is just about what we expect this time of year - 70s during the day, 50s at night. No humidity to speak of, no rain or snow. There is so little precipitation here that when it does finally rain, the main roads can get really slick from all the oils and lubricants that fall from cars into the travel lanes and adding water from rain makes it very slick. Sounds odd, but I've seen it in action.

posted on Dec 10, 2016 8:27 PM ()


Angel's idea of playing lying on the floor while Don and I roll little cat balls passed her nose.
comment by nittineedles on Dec 16, 2016 9:39 PM ()
That laser toy sounds like something every cat should have. They could be entertained watching it even when they just want to lie immobile. Which sounds like a nice afternoon to me, too: watching the moving pictures of light on the TV while I lie there.
comment by drmaus on Dec 11, 2016 2:07 PM ()
Poor Mr. Trout must be exhauted. Genius solution for fooling the cats. Wouldn't leave pet door escape to chance. I'd worry that Eloise would figure it out eventually. Both cats here now use the door but prefer human intervention and will at times stand outside and meow and scratch the glass for a door person to let them in. Spoiled little critters. Also, Max, has now the habit of whacking you on the leg with a paw if you don't give him what he wants (if you can ever figure THAT out right away). I am busy looking for magic spells to defuse Trump and have decided to use Max as a familiar. Watch this space. One must be careful not to use magic in an evil way, or it will come back to you. So rendering him ineffective seems the way to go. My personal preference is -- well, we know what it is.
comment by tealstar on Dec 11, 2016 8:22 AM ()
How about getting some cat nip for the two of them?
comment by elderjane on Dec 11, 2016 5:03 AM ()
They have loose cat nip to roll in and some of it is sewn up in a packet made from a piece of the top of an old sock so they can chew on it and toss it around.
reply by troutbend on Dec 11, 2016 8:16 AM ()
We have had a cold (for South Florida)and rainy day--nasty!
comment by greatmartin on Dec 10, 2016 8:42 PM ()
Bundle up, Martin! Our equivalent of a snowy day where we'd stay home, play Christmas music, and bake cookies.
reply by troutbend on Dec 11, 2016 8:20 AM ()

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