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Travel > Ace Hardware and Some Car Talk

Ace Hardware and Some Car Talk

What a great place Ace Hardware is. We've got one in the nearby resort town, and they have a lot of stuff, but it's nothing compared to the bigger one in the nearby market town, which we visited for the first time today.

I love browsing in hardware stores, because there are so many things I didn't know I wanted or needed. These days when just about anything can be found on the Internet, it's fun to be able to touch and feel the merchandise.

I bought a clothes basket, a brush for cleaning the hummingbird feeder, and two Tin Cat mouse traps.

When I winterize the rentals, I'll put the extra traps in the garage here. No, I do not leave the traps down over the winter when I'm not here. Think about it - I'd come back to a bunch of mouse corpses in a tin box.

Do you know what's wrong with this picture?

That's right: it is extremely hazardous to pump gasoline into containers that are not sitting on the ground because static electricity can build up and cause an explosion. This guy is in Alabama, stocking up on gasoline, probably for his generator.

We got our car aligned because the tires wore unevenly, and the ones that it came with only lasted 25,000 miles. The guy at the Brakes Plus said that the best thing to do when you get a new car is get it aligned, because many times they aren't properly aligned in the factory. That, and the factory tires are lower quality than what you will probably get to replace them, makes for poorer tire life on that first set.

I want to get the windows on my car tinted. Mr. Troutbend doesn't approve, claims he could do it himself, but I'm tired of waiting for him, and I think it should be done professionally.

Here is the road to my house many years ago.

It's paved now.

This is the Dam Store at the mouth of the canyon.

posted on Aug 30, 2012 6:07 PM ()


I once threw a large rat out of the rear window of my New York loft. He was sick. I scooped him up with a shovel. He landed on a car in the lot below, a white Cadillac, I think. Jay was too ill at that time to even know about it. Our loft had some hidden holes so that's how the critter got in. You will want to know that I spent a minute contemplating the image of a Tin Cat.
comment by tealstar on Sept 2, 2012 6:13 AM ()
If I was a metal artist, I would make one, it would look like a real cat, but have a trap feature. These are just a rectangular box, but I think it's a cute name.
reply by troutbend on Sept 8, 2012 10:36 AM ()
Come on down to our Dollar Tree
comment by greatmartin on Aug 31, 2012 8:33 AM ()
Our local Ace closed this year. We still have Tru Value, though, although Menards and Home Depot are tough competition for them. I, too, love to roam the aisles at a hardware store. On my last visit I bough Mosquito Dunks for my water garden. They kill mosquito larva before they turn into full grown biting mosquitos. West Nile virus is here.
comment by boots586 on Aug 31, 2012 6:49 AM ()
We've put those dunks out in the beaver pond on our little stream that eventually dries up, and the next year we see that little donut out there high and dry, and I wonder if it still has any potency for when the water comes back.
reply by troutbend on Aug 31, 2012 8:06 AM ()
I can't find the tin cat mouse trap at my Ace Hardware. They only have
plastic ones that are expensive and don't work.
comment by elderjane on Aug 31, 2012 4:50 AM ()
Good thing YouKnow was with me, because I was looking for the gray metal box of the Tin Cat, but they are contained in a bright yellow sleeve. I threw away these gray plastic ones because for some reason the mice won't get in them. They did serve a purpose, though, because they initially caught mice, and that's when I learned that I could deal with a live trap. In your case, I don't know what you'd do with live mice that you caught, maybe flush them down the toilet, but make sure they go. There are those electronic traps that zap the mice and supposedly kill them, but I don't know what powers the zapper. Good luck dealing with those mice, they can be so aggravating.

reply by troutbend on Aug 31, 2012 8:12 AM ()
I saw the Dam Store!! The tinting should be done professionally. I've seen those homemade jobs and unless Mr. T has experience, I can't see it turning out great.
comment by jerms on Aug 30, 2012 7:49 PM ()
The Dam Store has been there forever, and I've never been inside it, probably will never stop there. And not that cherry cider store with the red gallon jugs stuck all over the outside of the building, either.
reply by troutbend on Aug 30, 2012 8:05 PM ()
'I bought a clothes basket, a brush for cleaning the hummingbird feeder, and two Tin Cat mouse traps.' You could have gotten all that at the dollar store!!!
The only thing I know about a car is you call Triple A
comment by greatmartin on Aug 30, 2012 7:43 PM ()
I'd already looked at the Dollar Store, and they didn't have any of those things.
reply by troutbend on Aug 30, 2012 8:03 PM ()

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