It was rainy/snowy/gloomy/cold for the past week. Every night the low temperature hovered in the freezing zone and I kept my rhubarb covered up. We have about 50 hummingbirds, and put paper plate hats on the feeders to keep the snow off.

When they weren't at the feeders the babies sat in the bushes near the house waiting to be hungry again. The females were busy sitting on nests to make more babies, and we mostly see the males. These are Broadtail hummingbirds with red throats, and some people mistakenly call them Ruby Throats. The ruby throat species is back east, they are smaller, and don't make a noise when they fly, other than the sound of their wings. Our broad tail males make a shrill sound when they fly, caused by how their wings are formed. Both the males and females can chirp a little bit. If you go outside they will fly directly at you on the way to the feeder, but we've never been hit by one.

Now that the weather is warming up, we can get some brightly-colored petunias in hanging planters for them to visit. They also eat bugs, and we see a lot fewer birds at the feeders when the sun comes out and the bugs hatch.