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Food & Drink > Recipes > The Memory Lane of Cooking

The Memory Lane of Cooking

Tonight I'm going through all the posts I did as Kitchentales, and isn't it a marvelous thing Eddy has done to preserve our old posts and continue to provide this platform.

I stopped posting there in August of 2015, after 642 posts, and I'm not sure why. That was a busy time for me - I was working hard on flood recovery, and it was like a full-time job of going to meetings during the day and doing computer research at night. Perhaps I simply had better things to do than think about recipes.

Seems like my personality has changed since then - those recipe posts were wittier, chattier, and more engaging than I feel today. I'm enjoying reading them, as well as the comments, am considering copy/pasting them into a Word document in order to preserve them. I can make an index to remind me of the ones I want to go back to.

One good thing is that I am still trying new recipes, and enjoying the results. The sad thing is there's nobody to share them with. Jeri was the last person on earth with whom I could share the minutiae of my daily life - nobody else cares or has the patience to pretend they care. It was a two-way street, sharing back and forth, and having a listening ear was a tremendous help to both of us for 15 years.

I miss those days, I miss the fellow bloggers who commented on those posts who are no longer with us here. Time marches forward and takes us with it, we can never go back, just keep going and hope something comes along to brighten our day.

posted on Oct 19, 2023 10:01 PM ()


I am always willing to be THE TASTER!!!!!!
comment by greatmartin on Oct 20, 2023 12:41 PM ()

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