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Life & Events > Little Old Lady #4

Little Old Lady #4

Today there is a news release of another case involving the police in Loveland, Colorado. What's most interesting is that in the Karen Garner (Little Old Lady) case, the City and police managers said it was a one-off thing and the police officers in Loveland, Colorado have no history of the sort of issues illustrated by her lawsuit, and there is no problem with the culture within that department.

But look at this previous case:

"The City of Loveland has finalized its Internal Affairs (IA) investigation following the Loveland Police Department (LPD’s) arrest of Preston Sowl.

LPD arrested Sowl on Sept. 22, 2019, after responding to a call for service concerning an injury accident. Sowl, one of several witnesses LPD questioned regarding the incident, was handcuffed and arrested for obstruction and resisting arrest after a verbal exchange with Officer Ashe.

While the witness was being uncooperative, the IA reports that there was not probable cause to arrest Sowl, and the arresting officer violated three LPD policies and procedures:

Policy 1.02: Limits of Authority and Exercise of Discretion
Policy 13.08: Search and Seizure
Policy 11.04: Use of Force

“It is uncommon for the City to share the results from an internal process of this nature, but we have chosen to proactively communicate on this issue as part of our efforts to be transparent and forthcoming on police matters,” said Loveland City Manager Steve Adams. “I am confident that a thorough and impartial process was undertaken and appreciate the time and attention spent to review this matter.”

Any disciplinary actions would be taken in accordance with the conclusion and outcome of the IA. Following significant concerns or complaints as outlined in LPD’s policies and procedures, IA investigations are completed by the Professional Standards Unit Sergeant to ensure the ongoing integrity of personnel actions through objective analysis. "

posted on June 25, 2021 6:07 PM ()


Only in Florida have I been harassed by the police. In New York, I never had this problem.
comment by tealstar on Sept 2, 2021 6:11 AM ()
Unfortunately there are quite a few power hungry, controlling people attracted to police work.
comment by elderjane on June 28, 2021 4:36 AM ()
comment by greatmartin on June 25, 2021 8:25 PM ()

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