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New Adventures!

Life & Events > My Welsh Grannie (Grandmother). 2nd Attempt.

My Welsh Grannie (Grandmother). 2nd Attempt.

Which one was she?
Over the last few months, my life has taken a few turns, and I find myself doing things I had never guessed that I would do again. Now, I'm not a very confident person, and question every thing that I do and don't trust anyone.  I  have learned to listen to the voices within my head, and let these voices guide me. Yeah, crazy I know, but it works!
One burning desire was the need to see a spiritualist again. I  believed there was more guidance waiting for me. Yet I never booked the appointment.
Another thing on my to do list was to meet up with an old school friend that I had not spoken to properly in over 20 years. This I put off and put off. Not really having the courage to meet up. One particular day last month, I had no choice but to meet up.
Anyway. The day before the phone call was not an unusual one. Make up work, deliveries , customers etc. Same old, same old. As I parked the car, I thought of my old friend. Her face popped into my mind.  I closed the car door, walked into work and checked the missed calls on my mobile, and there it was; a missed call, seconds earlier from my friend Beth. (Well actually to tell the truth it was a missed call, but I didn't know who it was until I called the number as I didn't have the number stored in my phone.) She told me she was going to call in to see me the next day. Oh no! No  getting away now!
The next day.
As it happens my mind was in a muddle. I had made a decision to lay off my only member of staff. I didn't think it was working between us. Well, actually, I knew it wasn't working, and just needed the right push to say the words out loud and to her face. That done, I felt guilty, and was inwardly a little bit down.
My friend turned up, walked in the shop and we just started talking. I had had the coffee ready and we drank, chatted and both pottered about in the shop doing various jobs. Beth helped out. It felt as if we had always been in contact since forever. She was very calming. Of course we were still throwing out questions about what we had been up to  and so on since we were children. Yet she would throw in a strange comment like "you don't sleep much do you?" and "you don't like running out of things do you?" I put these remarks down to the constant dark circles around my eyes and perhaps the stock in the shop.
When my work was done and we sat down with another coffee to talk some more, she looked at me and said " you have an Angel on each shoulder"!  Hmmmm! Pardon? I ask. "You have an Angel on each shoulder. It's my special gift. I can see the spirits."
She spoke of her spiritual encounters , and I spoke of mine. We were helping each other.
Still, throughout the visit Beth would make comments. Give advice. So I asked her if she would mind doing a reading for me. She took my earring and started giving me messages. What she said she could never of known. She said that both my grandmothers were there and there were messages from both, especially my Welsh Grannie. Now The Welsh Grannie bit confused me, as they were both Welsh, but one had lived in England. Which one was she? She described her as strong, assertive, not bossy, but would get her point across,joyful, energetic , spirited and determined and a little playful crazy.
Now some of the above descriptions could  be divided up to fit each of my grandmothers. When she added the words "Cwtch,  Cariad, Bach and Ty bach " I knew which one was my "WELSH GRANNIE"!
Had both my Grandmothers been wanting to send me a message, and because I hadn't listened to the voices in my head and gone to see a spiritualist, had they sent one to me? Yes, I believe so. Talk about being told off from beyond the grave. Glad they are with me. True story

posted on Dec 10, 2010 11:53 AM ()


What a great story!So does your friend have an official title? Is this her profession? It sounds a lot like "Angelspeake" which I practice here at home. I've had a few readings done, as well. There is a fabulous book by the same name that is worth checking out if you're interested in communicating with your angels on a regular basis.
comment by juliansmom on Dec 10, 2010 6:50 PM ()
comment by nittineedles on Dec 10, 2010 3:20 PM ()

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