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Jobs & Careers > A Day in a Life of a Busy Florist!

A Day in a Life of a Busy Florist!

This week has gone so fast! So glad today has passed sucessfully. The last few days we have worked like I would have expected to work at a "fair" Christmas. ( I'm not talking about sales or customers, just work) Maybe tommorrow I will count up how many tributes we had to do for today.

The snow seriously stressed me out! I dind't order all the white double I wanted in on monday's delivery as I wanted to see how much I still needed on Tuesday night. Thinking of the pennies.
Maybe if I had based up myself I would have managed with what I had bought in, but I can't do it all mysef! So I ended up with a naked Grampa frame a day before the funeral with just a prayer that my supplier could deliver on wednesday morning. I rang them at 7am yesterday and they said that there was no way they could deliver. I was starting to stress. What was also getting to me was the fact that it was only me who cared, but hey ho! After telling the wholesaler not to worry about the order I'd ( grudginly ) buy local, I got a call back saying that they would be with me later on. I didn't care what time they got here as long as they did, and they did!

I sent a red rose out to one of the families we were doing flowers for. We had had to buy the roses from Tesco as ours had come in with glitter on them( my error on a new dutch site). Both myself and my 17yr old assistant commented on how lovely the Tesco roses were, and how we wouldn't say no to them if we were given them. Shortly after delivering the single rose we got a call from the family complaining about the quality of the rose, and was hoping to God that this wasn't a portrayal of our quality of work! Now I was shocked as we had liked the roses.
What I didn't realize is that 17 yrold had not removed the guard petals. I managed to sooth the customer, and said that if they had any doubts as to the quality of the work I was doing for them , then they should come down and inspect what I had done. I told her to remove the guard petals and call me back and let me know if it was ok.
She rang back happy and apoligetic. Thank you God for the second time that day!

All this took place whilst running a creche and resteraunt for my two children who were snowed out of school, and squabbled all day!

posted on Jan 7, 2010 1:14 PM ()

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