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Politics & Legal > Mammon


God forbid anyone should mutter a prayer in school or that a crèche should be displayed in public where innocent eyes might be subjected to the hideous ménage. Thank God we have separation of Church and State up in here.

Curious, then, what has happened in American politics these last few days. Living down here in my upscale ghetto I get to see things from a perspective that other Americans might overlook. For example, I watched the talking heads puzzle over why Barack felt the urge to pander so obviously to the religious sector of our population this week. In their simple world where politics is still thought to be a matter of what’s good for The People they often fail to factor in the human nature of the political animal. It has nothing whatever to do with what is good for The People. It is about what is to be gained by certain people and by Barack himself. Those certain people will get money and Barack will get votes.

How can I be so cynical, you ask?! I know what you mean. I’m just such a downer all the time. Glass half empty…yadda…yadda. Barack is wonderful! Why can’t you leave him alone? I guess I just can’t help myself. Rainbows are illusions and there is no pot of gold. When I learned that truth I vowed to live in reality fulltime.

The truth is that politicians take advantage of the stupid, the naïve, and the greedy. When it comes to getting votes out of religious folk all three; stupidity, naiveté and greed, are in the play:
1. The stupid are those who:
A. Believe they will benefit from the promises made by Barack. But he wasn’t talking to real religious people.
B. Are blind to the fact that Barack defies the Constitutional prohibition against collusion between Church and State.

2. The naïve are those who, like the media, cannot grasp that this is a play to exchange votes for tax dollars.
3. The greedy are those who understand that they are to be the true beneficiaries of Barack’s promises to shower them with Mo’ Money. These are the People of his heart – his constituents – his army. (My neighbors.)

Now, I know what you’re saying; ‘Give us some facts to support these horrible accusations.’ Well, the collusion between Church and State is self-evident, is it not? Did Little George not make a promise to throw money down on the ghetto preachers in exchange for the black vote? And now comes the answer to the media question of why Barack chose to pander to the “religious community” at this time. He has to buy back those votes Little George bought for the Repubs 8 years ago.

Maybe you still doubt me. But remember that Barack was bred and trained right here in my kinda’ town. And so was my governor, Rob Blagoiovich. Prior to his election he went to one of our South Side churches called Pilgrim Baptist Church. Earlier in the year that church had had a devastating fire. In order to get the votes of that church’s congregants and to send a message to all of Chicago’s black ministers Blago promised to restore Pilgrim Baptist Church to its former glory – using Illinois tax dollars.

Now here’s a coincidence that might help clarify Barack’s actions this week. Just this Monday one million Illinois dollars was earmarked and approved for little ol’ Pilgrim Baptist Church. Wasn’t Monday the day Barack promised the religious community of America that he would rain tax dollars from heaven, too?

The founding fathers, in their infinite wisdom, understood the necessity of separation of Church and State. These pig Democrats - and Republicans, too – have openly shown We, The People where we can stick our Constitution. They are not going to protect our borders, they are not going to maintain separation between Church and State, they will strip us of free speech and they will take away our guns so that we cannot defend our rights. What are we to do?

As for me…I’m going to fight global warming.

posted on July 2, 2008 9:22 AM ()


Guess you missed the whole Hagee, Parsley, and Billy G. visits. Or maybe the McCain stop at the Pat Robinson U. after referring to them in the past as agents of intolerance. Both pander to religious groups, one chooses wedge issues though in their platform to really pull voters to the polls. Bet you can guess who too. One hint, their party is responsible for the Department of Faith based initatives.
comment by ekyprogressive on July 2, 2008 4:43 PM ()
"Separation of Church and State" as originally intended, was to keep politics out of religion, and keep politicians themselves off the pulpit - are you listening Dem-Libs???? Was never meant to keep persons of religion, or persons of high moral (religious) character out of politics or political office !!!!!
comment by oldfatguy on July 2, 2008 4:19 PM ()
And yet McCain's very public and publicity surge, about his visit to Billy Graham and this isn't considered pandering, looking to get moeny and votes, etc., everything you are3 throwing at Obama??? Unfortunately ALL politicians play the same game.
What I think is obscene is the report that they will be spending $800 million dollars on TV commercials and no one appears incredilous about this!!!
comment by greatmartin on July 2, 2008 3:47 PM ()
We spend an average of $1,000,000 to keep one soldier in Iraq for one year.
comment by bumpedoff on July 2, 2008 1:51 PM ()

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