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Politics & Legal > Tangled Webs

Tangled Webs

Will drilling solve our oil dependence problem?

Oil dependence is not a problem. The problem is that the education/media/political complex has distorted reality to the point that we are conditioned to perceive it as a problem. The creation of our oil based technology has been a godsend that past civilizations would have marveled at and killed to have. Even when we speak of the “suffering 3rd world nations” of today what we’re really talking about is the poor bstrds who have not achieved the technological advancements that most Western nations have. Our oil driven society is not a problem. People who push us to believe it is a problem are the problem.

Lately the education/media/political complex has coined a wondrous new phrase that throws most simple-minded Westerners into a dizzy distortion of reality from which they seem unable to recover. They insist that we are “addicted to oil”. The immediate reaction to that term is ‘Of course, that’s it! We’re addicted to oil!’ The implication, then, is that we don’t “need” oil. We’re just giving in to a physiological dependence. We could quit oil any time we choose to.

Bunk! That’s strictly a utopian fantasy.

Sure, we could quit oil…if you want to go back to the stone-age. What are they thinking (those few who actually are thinking)? Are they ready to go back to primitive tribalism? Do they think that they’re going to relive the good old hippy days…living on gov. welfare checks and eating out of garbage cans? Bad news people, without oil there will be no government to write those checks. There won’t even be garbage cans to eat out of.

Then you’ve got the evil one who’s running for President right now. You think he’s smart? Well, if he’s smart enough to understand what he’s saying he’s smart enough to understand that his oil “policy” will destroy this country’s ability to function. That’s right. His goal is to destroy capitalist America. Some pundits and talking heads realize that his declaration that more drilling won’t show any results for ten of twenty years is crazy talk. They understand that if it’s going to take 10 years to get to that oil you don’t give up and die. You get busy and start drilling. That’s the attitude that made America great for 200 years. Not Barack though. He and the madmen who believe they can control him insist that the right thing to do is to roll over and die.

Barack has plans of his own and they don’t include being ordered around by his present white political masters. They will get him where he wants to go and then it’s bye-bye to them fools. Barack’s goal is the same as Bill/Hill’s and many others who call themselves Democrats. They are not Democrats. They are classic socialists who have never given up the dreams poured into their young university trained skulls. I can’t say exactly what Barack’s socialist vision is. It appears to be a black centered dictatorship of some sort that calls for the destruction of fee enterprise and free will. Destruction of free enterprise and free will are common goals everywhere in the education/media/political socialist cabal of our present day but the black/racist centralization of power adds a dimension evil that goes beyond that of ordinary socialist dictatorships.

Barack is banking on his belief (learned from rev Wright) that white politicians are just as stupid as white citizens i.e. Leftists. Those pols think he is one of them and wants the same things they want – power and wealth. They think that since they made him they can destroy him at will if need be. They couldn’t be more wrong. Barack don’t play dat. His game is on a different level altogether. When he gets power it will be power for his people. He’s going to answer the question of whether or not he’s black enough alright. But take my word for it. Virtually every black on the planet is aware of how black he really is.

The Left has made it possible to kill off the American dream by turning the image of our country into that of a scab on the planet. We’re not. We are good people. We’ve built the finest and most generous nation in the history of mankind. That’s the reality and for at least a short while longer it will continue to be so. But even in the midst of all the blessings we’ve made for ourselves and tried to share with the world there are those who work to distort reality so that we fall into self-hatred and doubt. So many of us have succumbed to education/media/political manipulation already that our politicians have pure distain for the needs of The People. ‘The People will need what we tell them they need.’ Hello! You know what you need right now? You need to stop global warming.

Do you get it yet?

posted on June 26, 2008 7:29 AM ()


For those who may have missed it, I was being ironic. We don't need to stop global warming - that's just what the media/education/political complex is forcing us to focus on.
comment by think141 on July 24, 2008 9:29 AM ()
And yet so many republicans--especially those who post here--say that global warming is a myth--and now we have the new myth about how all the drilling for oil in the USA will bring gas prices down--maybe eventually but not in our lifetime and people today don't care about the kids of tomorrow--just look at the financial legacy we are leaving them.
I don't know where you get your thoughts regarding Obama and his Black America but would b interested if you could guide me to where he has said and/or written about this or is it just an assumption because he is Black--I'm serious as I really know very little about the man.
comment by greatmartin on June 26, 2008 12:53 PM ()

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