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I consider myself to be open-minded; within rational bounds. I think Extra Sensory Perception in humans has unexplored and undeveloped potential. I accept the possibility that God or a godhead of some sort may be real. Ghosts may truly be departed spirits just as occultists have always insisted. And I accept extraterrestrial visitation as a foregone conclusion. But there are many socially popular phenomena that I completely reject. Three of them are worthy of discussion for the dramatic effect they are having on society at this moment and because to understand them gives important insight into the workings of the human mind.

1. MAN-MADE GLOBAL WARMING: Man-made global warming is a man-made myth. It is, on the other hand, undeniable that the climate is changing. It can’t help but change as it always has. But to say that this “change” (actually a constant in nature) is brought on by human mismanagement is half scam and half emotional reaction. Just the names man-made global warming and climate change are misnomers that cannot help but cause misunderstanding and general panic.

Both terms imply something dramatic and unnatural. In fact the term man-made global warming was intended by those who coined it to stimulate an emotional response in our skittish population. It is an accusatory term and one intended to impute guilt. A correct term, one that I sincerely hope will replace the negative terms now in popular usage, would be “climate trending”. Weather “changes” from minute to minute while climates “trend” over periods of decades, centuries and eons.

We are forever in the midst of one climate trend or another. Some of these trends are so gradual that they can only be seen from a distant historical perspective. Right now we cannot be certain of which direction the trend is moving. At the beginning of the present panic the directors of this scam wanted us to believe that we were in a killer warming trend. When the weather failed to co-operate with that image the directors switched to “global climate change” and succeeded in causing at least as much fear as they had with global warming. Not really surprising since back in the 60’s I recall that they stampeded us with global cooling. They have bullied us through the full gamut from cooling to warming to change. Whatever happened to “change is good”? God we’re stupid.

2. THE 9/11 CONSPIRACY: A lot of people enjoy a good conspiracy theory. I don’t. But I am deeply intrigued by the thought processes of people who get into these things. I like to analyze the curious paths they follow on their journeys into conspiracy. It has been a passion of mine since the days of Charles Manson and the mayhem he was able to create with his ability to absolutely control the ordinary minds of unfulfilled people. There was an intellectual process going on there that is virtually the same as that which occurs in religion and in conspiracy adventures, a suspension of reality; an escape from it for relief.

When those four aircraft crashed on 9/11 it was only natural to expect many questions to arise and more than one investigation into the tragedy to take place. It was also to be expected that the public would speculate on any number of aspects of what occurred that day and come to conclusions of their own. Who were the masterminds behind it? Why did the government fail to prevent it? Why did they do it…etc…etc….? There obviously had to be a conspiracy involving the terrorists and their masters but the public reaction of some Americans took off in a shockingly different direction. They blamed other Americans.

Now I don’t know about the Lord but I am well aware that the human mind works in mysterious ways. I say these workings are mysterious because I must admit that they are unfathomable to me. I can understand them up to the point of asking outrageous questions along the lines of, ‘Didn’t that look like a controlled demolition to you?’’ But I cannot make the leap to, ‘Hey, the government planned the whole thing.’ I could have gotten as far as suspecting the government in the first few days of the event but once the facts came out that would be the end of it. And, for me, having certain facts was the end of it.

Others, however, put aside the facts and continued their pursuit of speculation, suspicion and pseudo-science. Most people can indulge that sort of thinking without it having any serious effect on their real worlds just as most people can function under the influence of religious fantasy or progressive extremism of the sort that says a child is equal to a rat. The minds of many people work in mysterious ways – but some continue right over the cliff. And those are the ones I worry about.

To be honest I have studied almost none of the 9/11 conspiracy ‘documentation’. Therefore, some would say, I have no right to disregard their conspiracy theories out of hand. Well, I was a close observer of the O.J. trial and I can tell you that the evidence of O.J.’s guilt was overwhelming and that the defense offered virtually nothing to counter it. But with pure slight of mind his attorneys moved the entire jury out of the realm of reality and gave them the thread they yearned for in order to acquit. Had that jury been somehow forced to stay within the bounds of reality they would have had to contend with a mountain of irrefutable evidence that they had no desire to deal with. So they took the escape route into unreality and focused on the illusions created by the lawyers.

It’s true that I am not familiar with the ‘evidence’ being bandied about in the 9/11 conspiracy community. But I am perfectly focused on the reality of 9/11. I saw surveillance tapes of the terrorists boarding those planes. I heard the phone calls from people aboard those planes describing those terrorists. I saw the results of what those terrorists did. And I heard the claims of Osama and his fellow conspirators in the aftermath. I saw loads of other physical evidence as well. And it all leads to the only conspiracy possible in the real world. Islamic terrorists were acting under orders from Osama Bin Laden. The glove fits.

3. The Obama Phenomenon: No matter what the press may want you to believe - he ain’t no god.

posted on June 21, 2008 12:28 PM ()


Good stuff Thomas. Particularly your replies to comments.
comment by ancient1 on June 24, 2008 8:04 AM ()
I'm baffled by the denial of number 1. Seeing we have already entered the stage of consequences. Here's a topic that thousands of scientists know global warming is self evident and yet people remain in denial. And yet, it's such simple math. There's no rational reason to deny global warming when we see CO2 readings like we've never seen through each ice age. It's beyond me... it doesn't matter will continue to get worse and as the flawed species that we are...
comment by strider333 on June 22, 2008 12:52 AM ()
I tend to disagree with you on number one--mainly because man is doing destruction to the planet he lives on and I just feel the whole thing is misnamed--regarding # 2--I don't buy the conspiracy tehory--#3--no man I know is a god and that cetainly goes for all presidents and present candidates!
comment by greatmartin on June 21, 2008 12:48 PM ()

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