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Politics & Legal > Democracy; Down But Not Out in America

Democracy; Down But Not Out in America

If you’re looking ahead to the future of America and don’t like what you see you’ve got to be asking yourself, “What can we possibly do, short of armed revolution, to bring this country back to the ideals of its founders? How do we free ourselves from the gangsters who have taken over?”

It should be clear to all of us that voting evil and incompetence out of office is no longer possible. As things now stand in America our leaders are heady with the knowledge that the people are powerless against them. What little they do in the name of The People only serves to diminish the rights and interests of The People. They pass laws in the name of global warming that are designed to frighten us until we bow to their demands. They tax and regulate our industries until they collapse or flee from the country. They hold open our sovereign borders to hoards of gang-banging killers, Islamic terrorists, drug traffickers and every variety of criminal imaginable. They do these things and worse in full defiance of our Constitution and our national will. They have no fear of our voting power. They will rape the system whether they actually hold office or not. They are the players; we’re the nobodies. Is there nothing we can do then?

First understand that the government is on the verge of achieving absolute power over us by instituting socialist policies. If we allow them to nationalize health care, for example, freedom as we once knew it will be irretrievable. We will have turned the power to choose which of us will live and which of us will die over to faceless, mindless bureaucrats who care nothing about souls or families. Socialism, which in the minds of our present thug leaders represents a consolidation of absolute power, must be fought with whatever strength remains of the American will. But how?

At this moment the last hope of the American People is the American People. The future is ours to reclaim or to lose. If we want the great experiment to continue we must take back the power of The People. That is what the experiment was designed to do – give the power of rule to The People. We might achieve this again through a second revolution as the founders suggested might be necessary or we can try a different tact first that will require the loss of few if any lives.

What is the source of human social power? Wealth. It’s a fact. Money may be at the root of evil but it is also the root of power. Right now our government creates and commands every cent produced by the American worker. We give them that power – but do we have to? What’s stopping us, The People, from producing our own money?

Nothing. Money is produced all over this nation every single day. We may call them coupons, poker chips, stocks or bonds, but they are all money just the same. Anything that has trade value is money. My washing machine has trade value. It’s money. It’s just not convenient money nor is its value easily measured. In fact two of the things that separate money from all other trade items are convenience and measurable value. You and I could create money if we could prove its value in a universally recognizable way. Poker chips do this. So do stocks, bonds and coupons. But these are absent of the third qualification of money. It must be commercially universal. You can’t take a poker chip into the bakery and get a loaf of bread for it. Stocks and bonds are no good there either. How, then, do we create a universally measurable, value secure and commercially acceptable form of exchange? Before we get into that let’s have a look at what we’re getting for our buck from the government.

The U.S. dollar actually meets only two of the three requirements of money. It is universally measurable. The dollar is recognized everywhere on earth and is specifically measurable based on the market it is being traded in. It is also universally acceptable as a means of exchange for any product or service. There is virtually nothing on earth that dollars cannot buy, at least not at the moment. But the one thing that the dollar lacks to fit the true definition of money is secured value. The U.S. Dollar is backed by exactly nothing – except faith.

There was a time when we guaranteed the value of our dollar with an equivalent amount of gold or silver. We didn’t necessarily have as much metal as was needed to exchange every dollar for metal but the promise was held in good standing. Uncle Sam’s word was once that good. Ironically, even though Sam’s word has reached a new low in world confidence the dollar he prints is still among the most trusted forms of currency on earth. You might want to reflect on the condition of world politics and economics when you consider that our unsecured dollar retains so high a status.

So why does the dollar enjoy the status that it does in the world?

1. Because we still have the world’s most powerful military (America’s own Leftists are working to destroy that as we speak).
2. Because we still have the world’s most stable government (The mental stability of our governing body is now questioned by all but 9% of the U.S. population).
3. Because we have the most powerful economy on earth (Leftists are working frantically to tear that asunder right now as well).

These three legs are the platform that our dollar stands on. It has no value other than the belief that as long as these legs support it the dollar will be accepted as a true value means of exchange. All of these legs are under attack from three suicidal social forces:

1. Citizen socialists
2. Political socialists and thugs
3. Foreign anarchists and terrorists (The 9/11 attack was aimed at the hearts of our financial, political and military power. It was not an attack on our people. It was an attack on our dollar.)

If and when any of these three groups succeed in destroying the dollar they will have committed universal suicide. The dollar is the cornerstone of civilization. All other currencies will collapse if the dollar does because every one of them is based on lesser degrees of faith than the almighty buck.

If we can create a back-up monetary system; in effect a citizens’ currency, we may be able to reverse the socialist slide and at the same time release some of the government’s hold on our financial freedom. It’s not impossible. It’s not even difficult. It only takes what it’s always taken; a few bright and determined Americans.

More later.

posted on July 9, 2008 9:28 AM ()


The attack on the dollar is working. Last year, I got 1.5 Euros for my 1 dollar; this year, just 6 weeks ago, I paid 1.5 dollars for 1 Euro.
comment by oldfatguy on July 9, 2008 4:04 PM ()
More later? I'll be back!
comment by looserobes on July 9, 2008 2:59 PM ()

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