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Once In A Lifetime

Shopping > Driving to Walmart

Driving to Walmart

Driving to Walmart may not be the most peaceful ride in your world, but it is in mine. It seems ironic, but Walmart here is located in an extremely scenic area. It is in an affluent neighborhood, which is in a town that is poor. There are gangs in the town, and murders practically every week. Attached to this town is the small area that is as beautiful as you'd ever wish. The streets are well landscaped. From the freeway to Walmart, I pass very few homes. There are fields that were filled with wild flowers a month ago, but now are cleared because of fire danger. There are numerous trees, all fully developed. The summer light sometimes filters through these trees. When I went last Tuesday, the jacaranda trees were in full bloom. In other words, there were purple blossomed trees all along the way, interspersed with pines and eucalyptus trees. I mean there were stands of trees, not just trees in a row. This was as dazzling a drive as you'd ever want on a vacation.

When I first went to Walmart, it was by mistake. I needed something quickly so I went to Walmart. I hadn't gone there before because CTA told us not to because Walmart was backing a bill thaf favored private education. I think that Walmart has ceased that endeavor. Perhaps their patrons aren't really the private school clientele.

Well, when I went to Walmart by accident, I saw that their prices were about 1/3 to 1/2 the price that I paid in my usual stores. I guess the lessons of my childhood nudged me, and I was hooked. I've been going ever since. As a coincidence there came to be built there a Winco store very close to it. It has much lower prices than the grocery stores in my city. So I go there, too. It is an employee participation owned store. So the employees are really really nice to the customers. Actually so are the employees at my Walmart. In between the two stores they have built a little bunch of stores of every kind. It includes a B of A, so I don't even have to go out of my way to stop in my city to use the ATM any more.

Isn't it interesting that the rest of you write about your journeys to exotic lands and I write about my journey to Walmart and Winco?


California ranks among the ten largest economies in the world, and were it a separate country, it would be 34th among the most populous countries, as well as the world's sixth-largest economy. It is the most populous U.S. state. It is the third-largest U.S. state by land area. The Central Valley is California's agricultural heartland and grows approximately one-third of the nation's food. The state is home to Mount Whitney, the highest point in the contiguous United States, as well as the second lowest and hottest place in the Western Hemisphere, Death Valley. ...Wikipedia

All right, then an email:


OPEC sells oil for $128.00 a barrel.
OPEC nations buy U.S. grain at $7.00 a bushel.
Solution: Sell grain for $128.00 a bushel.
Can't buy it? Too bad! Eat your oil!
Then, oil will come down.


posted on June 1, 2008 5:34 PM ()


Hi Sunlight, our Walmarts used to be surrounded by fields and forests too. Now both are surrounded by strip malls and other stores. I'm not sure what CTA is but if it's a union organization they may have been objecting to Walmart's opposition to unions for their workers. The Walmarts in my area are usually dirty, disorganized and ridiculously understaffed so I avoid them. Good to know that some are kept clean.
comment by catdancer on June 11, 2008 11:41 AM ()
It sounds totally wonderful.
comment by elderjane on June 5, 2008 2:52 PM ()
I want to visit there.... after retire
comment by mustakim on June 5, 2008 10:50 AM ()
I am glad to "see" you again too! I will be starting school near the end of June. I am working toward a degree in journalism. It has been a crazy month or two trying to get financial aid and all that madness. I will minor in a computer Field as well. I hope I can handle it.....I never did well in school. The only thing I studied was "pot 101"....
I joke about it but I do not smoke pot anymore. I feel it has it's place medicinally....and for enlightenment during special prayer/meditation.
comment by pecan on June 1, 2008 6:03 PM ()
When I was in Cal. I lived in the San Diego/Chula Vista area. I do not think where I have been could be called Exotic by any stretch of the word.
comment by pecan on June 1, 2008 5:48 PM ()

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