I just went to YouTube to find a song that would be fitting. I don't quite know what this song is really about, but it was in my files saved on YouTube. I have hundreds of songs saved in my files. They keep sending me a message to upload something, but I can't do that because I don't know how and I don't have the equipment. Even if I had the equipment, I don't think I would.
Here's the song:
All I know is that my life does seem like a broken road, and I've been traveling it for awhile now. The road leads me here and there. It has lead me to mybloggers. It leads me to some wonderful people... just like you.
By the way, does anyone else feel that in the comments section, the type on the replies should be just as large as the comments? **laughing** I know back just to complain... (But, the replies used to be as large!