I took the test that I saw John had taken, and got these results. I agreed with Mike Gravel the most, and with Mike Huckabee the least. I thought there were 15 categories. So I guess I didn't agree with anyone on one of them. Wonder what it was? And, by the way, who is Mike Gravel? LOL

Mike Gravel: Score: 62
Hillary Clinton: Score: 57
Barack Obama: Score: 57
Ron Paul: Score: 38 (Notice I agreed with Ron Paul more than John agreed with anybody?)
John McCain: Score: 26
Mitt Romney: Score: 21
Mike Huckabee: Score: 14
Stem-Cell Research
Health Care
Social Security
Death Penalty
Line-Item Veto
Gun Control
And, to be more helpful, I am including: How to Search with Google. I don't understand google, and only use my ISP which is Verizon/MSN. I have always heard of google, however. I go there only when desperate. Maybe I'm not desperate enough, because I don't understand a word the guy is saying. It's the same as knowing about Mike Gravel. Ahh, I knew I could tie these two things together!
Now did you understand the guy? If you did, maybe you could explain it to me. One thing the guy said, I tried. I googled Chris, "I'm feeling lucky" and did get his blog... which I didn't understand either. It was about BitStrips.