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My Two Best Friends
My Two Best Friends
I have written an article about myself, but on reflection, think that I'd rather talk about other people. So I will tell you about two very dear friends. I will call them Marie and Rachel. I am not calling them by their true names in the off-chance that they read this blog. I haven't seen them lately but they will always be my best friends.
I met Marie first. She is a lovely wonderful woman. She is rather quiet in her way, but she always speaks to those that are new. She likes to draw them out. She finds out the most amazing things because she is truly interested. She also loves to gossip. So you need to be careful exactly what you tell her. She loves little tidbits of funny things that she tries to find out about other people from you! She also loves to look at old homes "with character." One of her favorite things to do is drive around and look at different neighborhoods and point out homes that she just loves. It's funny she doesn't live in one of the kinds of homes that she loves. Her home is very large, in a very affluent neighborhood, is extremely well landscaped, and is like a model home. It's very substantial looking from the outside. It has a large garage and a large parking area outside of the garage. I've known Marie for 13 years. We've both changed in that time, but we are still much the same.
Rachel is very, very Christian. She is quieter than Marie. She says that she is not too social, but she is the one that has the busiest calendar. She has lots of long blonde curly hair. (Marie's hair is brown with golden highlights... very pretty.) Rachel is into yoga, running, vegetarianism, and all things healthful. She drives a Mercedes. I'm not sure why that's important, but it's something that I associate with her. Her husband once rented a huge tractor... it was tremendously large. Then he dug some of their land away. I'm not quite sure what he was trying to do and neither did Rachel. Then he let it all sit there for a long time. I guess one day he got tired of it so he returned the tractor. Rachel didn't question him about it because he can be a difficult man.
As a matter of fact, we all three are married to difficult men. I don't know how that works. They are difficult in different ways, and yet such similar ways. It's not easy to explain. And, somehow, we are all three the type that will stick it out 'til the end. I don't know how that works either. Of course, Marie and Rachel both have children. Of course, I don't. Marie has two boys -- twins. Rachel has a boy and a girl. Rachel and Marie are both my age within two years one way or the other. Marie is slightly younger than I and Rachel is slightly older. They both married younger than I did. In other words, their kids are adolescents. They both know everything about my life and I know everything about their lives, but I think it prudent not to put everything about their lives online because it is their lives. Oh yes, Marie has pets. The other two of us don't. When Marie got one of her cats, there was a terrific fight over exactly whose cat it was. I don't remember the exact details, but one other relative had some claims on the cat. That poor kitten was the cause of some hard feelings.
If this isn't a cohesive piece, our lives aren't too cohesive either.
posted on Feb 22, 2008 9:57 PM ()
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Marie sounds a lot like me because I love gossip (not harmful or hurtful gossip}, but people are more interesting than anything else and I am a house nut who has always longed for an old victorian house to redo. I live in a ranch house in the you see the similarities. I am going to add you to my buddy list if that is ok?