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Politics & Legal > Sarah Palin: the Final Frontier

Sarah Palin: the Final Frontier

Well he was pushing hard to select his friend Joe Lieberman, but it just wasn’t to be, so John McCain reached back and did what he does best, he pulled a John McCain and picked a 44 year old former beauty queen with two years of experience as Governor of Alaska. After watching Obama speak to over 80 thousand loyalist, he knew he had to break the mold. Certainly no one in their right mind can say with her background she would be picked if it were a man?

She’s Prolife, would sign a bill in a heart beat for the death penalty, wants to drill in Anwar and is a darling of the Christian Right. But wait, she became a public hero taking on special interests, who practically owned the Alaska political establishment. Forced to resign from the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission after complaining to Republican Gov. Frank Murkowski about corruption, she was banished to the political wilderness before coming back to defeat Murkowski in the GOP primary. She’s excellent on ethics, has experience with energy policy, and maintains balance on the environment, opposing the polar bear ruling but calling for reductions in greenhouse gas emissions . The first-term governor describes herself as a political maverick.

A recent Wall Street Journal article said of her: "When Sarah Palin was elected governor as a Republican outsider in 2006, she didn't just take on an incumbent from her own party. She took on Alaska's Republican establishment."

So with both parties complete with their teams, the campaign enters the last laps of the campaign. This indeed proves to be an historic one. We’re either going to get the first black president or female vice president. With Sarah this is “the final frontier” for the Republican Party. George Bush who has shattered the party conservatives will result in an increased majority by Democrats in both houses regardless of who wins the presidency. Republican identification has dwindled to lower percentages then people who identify themselves as independents. The remaining core constituency is the generation X loyalists and the religious right while the huge millennium generation polls well above 60 percent as Democrats. If the Republicans lose this election, they’ll be lost in the wilderness searching for a means to rebuild. Bush has kicked the Reagan conservatives to the curb and embraced the neoconservatives to the peril of the party. If Democrats increase their majority enough and Obama wins, Republicans will be powerless.

Enter Sarah Palin that I believe is a Hail Mary pass by John McCain that could prove to be a brilliant pick. She could emerge as the new type of Republican Conservative to help rebuild the GOP. There a lot of qualities in her that a lot of Americans can admire. She’s tough, has great family values and is charismatic. Certainly her inexperience on the national stage could blow up on her, but that’s John McCain. It’s a gamble and he knows it. One can expect that the Obama campaign will simply ignore her and pound away on the McCain/Bush connection. She’ll be invisible until the one debate with Biden. The Democrats have their own problem with Joe’s running mouth that could get him in trouble with her.

Just think, if McCain wins, it’s very likely we could see two women running for president in 2012, Palin and Hillary. I seen John McCain as a one term president simply because he’ll screw things up so bad or at 76 years old he’ll wanna hang it up. If Republicans want to begin to rebuild their solid true conservatism, Sarah may be the starting point. If the Democrats seize both houses and the presidency, rest assurd, they’ll screw things up just as they did after Watergate. However, it won’t stop a new era of a progressive initiatives since the defeat of Hoover. However Republicans may just have to watch the show from the sidelines.

However, Sarah Palin is currently under investigation by state lawmakers over the dismissal of a state public safety commissioner. She is alleged to have sacked him because he did not dismiss a state trooper involved in a contentious divorce and child custody battle from her younger sister. The governor told US network CNBC she had "nothing to hide" in the matter. At this point, I tend to believe her or she wouldn’t have accepted.

posted on Aug 31, 2008 1:32 AM ()


I was about to bed, and I partially read this blog you wrote. I'm just gonna comment about what I think. First, McCain sealed his demise with her. She is Un-known (has anybody heard of her before this?). Yes, she's pretty. Hell, I'd do her.. lol. That doesn't mean she can lead. Not long ago, the democrats had "Hillary (woman)", and "Obama (Black man)". McCain picked her, because he was seeming old and not with it. It will backfire. Although I am not sure the "whole country" is ready for a Black President, I am voting "Obama". Obama can lead (I believe), McCain is like too "out of touch". Anyway, I could go on and on really.. but that's my short thought.. lol. Gary
comment by coincutter on Sept 3, 2008 8:42 PM ()
I wish people would stop calling her Down's Syndrome child a "retarded kid". They are just special children and can become very productive members of society. I'm glad we live in a country where we can vote. Wonder how many people who are blogging like crazy will actually go to the poll and vote?
comment by mzscarlett on Sept 3, 2008 1:40 PM ()

"She’s Prolife, would sign a bill in a heart beat for the death penalty"

Hypocrite sandwich anyone?
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 2, 2008 5:22 PM ()
...I like her, but then everyone has their opinions. I think she will do a fantastic job. To each his own, eh?
comment by cindy on Sept 2, 2008 8:41 AM ()
I have to defend Jjohn here for calling a spade a spade. I have worked with these children and have a masters degree in special ed. It doesn't matter what you call them, they have a disability. I have an Autistic grandson and he is at home where his care is paid for by the state. He will never have a decent quality of life and his parents will always have a life of servitude to his needs. If you love children why would you want to bring one into the world to suffer?
comment by elderjane on Sept 1, 2008 10:25 AM ()
She has such a great understanding of the job though...

comment by ekyprogressive on Aug 31, 2008 1:08 PM ()
You were much too kind on Gov Palin. Don't people understand that, if elected, she's a heart beat away from being the president of the most powerful country in the world? Holy moly! That's scary.
comment by solitaire on Aug 31, 2008 9:20 AM ()
Reproducing like a rabbit is not my idea of family values. Where are these 5 kids (well, Ok, one is in the military) while she's out all day gaining experience in government? Who is paying for it? Who is going to pay to care for the retarded one? Depends on your idea of a family, I suppose....
comment by jjoohhnn on Aug 31, 2008 7:06 AM ()

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