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Religion > Is Heck a Place?

Is Heck a Place?

Even though I am a longtime Dante fanatic, I do not believe in Hell (or Heaven, for that matter). Well, clarification is necessary. I DO believe that people can impose upon themselves a hell on earth by approaching their life, or unique situations in their life, with the wrong attitude. In addition, I think living people often suffer a hellish existence that is imposed upon them by others.
But as far as dying and going to Hell for living misdeeds (or failure to take Christ into your life), that’s pure bunk (or, as H. L. Mencken would say, buncombe). Yet, even such an arch-unreligious writer as Jean-Paul Sartre placed his protagonist, in the play “No Exit,” into a room with other people from which there was no escape, prompting the poor hero of the play to realize that “Hell is other people.”
Jim Carrey exclaimed that “hell is just having to listen to our grandparents breathe through their noses when they’re eating sandwiches.” But Lewis Black went even further: “If there is a hell, it is modeled after junior high.”
Naturally, the great Samuel L. Clemons aka Mark Twain weighed in on the subject too. He said: “When I think of the number of disagreeable people that I know who have gone to a better world, I am sure hell won’t be so bad at all.”
The concept of Hell infects all walks of life. The term is equated with suffering at all levels, even sports. You realize, of course, when the Cubbies will next win a pennant, don’t you? When Hell freezes over.

posted on Dec 8, 2012 6:38 AM ()


I spent 32 years in Hell--teaching in Jr. High (or middle school). Not to mention all the time spent with my ex-wife. I deserve Heaven!
comment by solitaire on Dec 9, 2012 5:17 AM ()
Jorge Luis Borges, a great writer (& former librarian) said he pictured heaven as a vast library.
reply by steve on Dec 9, 2012 9:02 AM ()
It is useful for descriptive purposes such as cat heaven. I certainly do
not believe in either place. People seldom get what they deserve either in
a good way or a bad way. Religion can make a person's life miserable.
comment by elderjane on Dec 8, 2012 11:40 AM ()
It is really sad & ironic how much pain religion causes all over the world.
reply by steve on Dec 8, 2012 3:56 PM ()
I have recently been experiencing anxiety at bedtime over no exit. Not the play, but the thought that maybe the religionists were right and I will continue in some sort of consciousness for eternity. That though by itself isn't all that terrible, but what if the next existence is less pleasurable than this one. Rational thought can exclude (almost) some possibilities, but since logically consciousness shouldn't exist at all, there's really no way to be certain about any conclusions.
comment by jjoohhnn on Dec 8, 2012 10:11 AM ()
I don't know what to say...other than, I've always tried not to worry about things over which I have no control. One tries to live a good life, not b/c of fear of hell but, rather, b/c it's the right thing to do.
reply by steve on Dec 8, 2012 3:59 PM ()
A reference to Heaven or Hell to describe an experience is for some of us just a convenience to describe a pleasant or unpleasant condition and does not mean that we believe in the mysticism of the idea. But I believe there is "Heck" and all Victorian right-wing Evangelists and religious fanatics will go there one day and will be added to a huge gelatinous mass or compost heap. I forgot where I learned that but it sounds so right.
comment by tealstar on Dec 8, 2012 6:42 AM ()
Your concept of who is going to Hell is an old one. Dante filled the Inferno up with numerous popes. If there is such a place, a lot of lascivious priests will be joining them.
reply by steve on Dec 8, 2012 7:31 AM ()

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