Thanks to daylight savings time, we get an extra hour of sleep now. So it takes my body who is in tune to its biorhythm a while to adjust.
Yesterday both Kristy and I were up at the crack of dawn. We decided to go out for breakfast. I hadn't been out for this meal in a while! So I was quite excited! I was supposed to have some online dates but they didn't pan out and I was ok with this. SO I returned to my abode after I took the spiker for a long walk around the new hood.
At 1 pm. Kristy promptly texted me to let me know that the girl she was supposed to meet up with suddenly developed an illness and she needed rescuing. I recognized the cry for help so I was happy to join her! We had fun watching the game even though her team did not win. It was a close game that went into overtime so it was at least entertaining!
Last night I went to bed-ish semi early. My bed is now officially on the floor and the frame is apart in its many peices ready for the move. However I didn't pack as much as I should have. So I woke up at 4 am and couldn't return to sleep. I tossed in bed till about 530 and decided that I should move this to the couch. I putzed around on the computer till it was time to walk Spike. I tried desperately to sleep to no avail.
I got to work and I had to pack for a trade show. So packing is my life. We finished up the shipment at around noon. Hopefully everything goes there as planned.
Happy Monday. NOT