Each time I think that I have completed the final interview process with this non profit, another one comes up. You should feel free to be eternally jealous of this situation.... I kid, I kid.
So I went in today thinking I was meeting with a board member, which I rearranged my schedule at the last minute to come to this meeting for... However, guess what? I may get the pleasure of another "lunch" meeting on Tuesday. I basically said it was going to be tough to meet on that day due to the fact that I have my staff meetings... So we'll see what happens.
The person I interviewed with was pretty critical, and I wanted to smack her. She was like I would prefer that you have the electronics industry experience. Guess what I wanted to say? Honey your boss thinks that I can do the job and you usually hire a marketing person because the people who are content experts can't do the marketing on their own.
Anywho, she sort of recovered and I think that to quote the hiring manager. The lunch meeting should "seal the deal." I hope that is the case because I can't have put all this effort into getting this job only to have it come out that I am not getting it.
Hope you're all doing well.