The weekend is almost over... I am not wanting to let it go. Friday night I was going to have dinner plans with my girlfriend C. She called me up to let me know that she had a headache and she was not going to make it over. I had already poured a glass of wine, and I was like ok... we'll just have a drink alone. I passed out on my couch. I woke up to a text message... Navy D was back in town and was heading over to my place. I had to get ready for his arrival. I ran around, shaved my legs, got changed. We had a blast... we've been getting reaquainted physically since we've been apart for 6 months. Things did not suck in that department. We spent the majority of his time here in the bedroom.
Saturday morning we got up. He went to the bike shop that he works at part time to help pay for his legal defense fund. He has sent the final divorce decree to his ex. He's offered the maximum amount by law to her and she has till April 20 to respond. If she doesn't respond he's going to take her to court later in April. He doesn't have to go to court because she's in CA and that's where she wanted to do this divorce. Saturday morning Spike and I went to go hiking. He makes me laugh so much. He was so thrilled, because we haven't had good weather in so long. We came back, napped a bit on the couch. Then I got up and ran around like a maniac. I cleaned the house like no one's business. It was awesome. I then took another nap... haha.
Saturday evening we were supposed to go to Georgetown to meet up with my cousin and her hubby to celebrate her bday. I sent the cousin a text and she didn't get back to me. Navy D wound up wrapping up late at the shop so we decided to stay closer to home. We went to a micro brewery place, which we both like beer. He likes it more than me... I made him take me out for a few drinks because I was all dressed up and set on going out... So we did that and came home and it was another repeat of Friday night.
He left around noon this morning. We don't have set plans for this weekend, but I know he's not going to be able to stay away for very long... Today has been all about me and Spike. We've napped. Ate a lot and talked to best friend A. She's been in Vietnam for 2 weeks! I have missed speaking to her terribly. We normally talk like 3 times a day. If I get this new job I am going to have an office!!! I will be able to speak to whomever I want, whenever I want.
Navy D and I talked a bit about the post KY departure. He's planning on coming for a visit in July and wants to stay with me. He's also going to have to come and sort some stuff out with the Pentagon and/or come back for interviews. So he's requested to stay with me because he doesn't want to stay with his roommate. If he does decide to stay here I would not be surprised if we moved in together in the fall. However, right now he's set to live elsewhere... and that is the plan that I am sticking too.
Happy Funday Sunday!