This weekend I did a little improv of my own. I was iming with DM and he had plans to go on a date. I was like ok, well if you're not feeling it you can always hit me up afterwards. He was like well, I am going to the improv after, I was like forget about it then. Then he went to on to say he'd rather hang out with me, even knowing that I don't want to persue a relationship with him. I laughed and said, I have already ate dinner but I will go to the improv with you. He wound up ditching his date and we went. It was tons of fun. There were some funny comedians, and I was pretty psyched to get to go. Afterwards we talked for a few hours... and he went home.
Spike woke me up at the crack of dawn on Saturday. I walked him and tried to go back to bed. He wasn't having it. We went to our usual hiking spot, and I ran home to get ready for volunteering. It was a lot of fun. You can check out Kristylyn3's blog for pictures. Saturday night I came over for a PJ party at Kristylyn's house which was also a lot of fun. I kept texting DM pictures of our PJ Party which included pictures of Tucker, Kraymer, Mosby, and Kristy's toilet. Apparently he thought he was going to get different pictures. I was like be greatful for the one's you've got.
Sunday DM & I went hiking. We talked afterwards for a long time. He essentially said that we had already established that we couldn't date cause I wasn't interested. I felt bad. I am not really attracted to him though.. so after hanging out three times you'd think that there would be that "spark" but it's not there. I am really hoping that I can find a summer fling here soon to distract me from the SD situation.
In any event, I hope that you all had a great weekend.