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I Have Kissed A Lot Of Frogs...

Life & Events > Relationships > Improv ...

Improv ...

This weekend I did a little improv of my own. I was iming with DM and he had plans to go on a date. I was like ok, well if you're not feeling it you can always hit me up afterwards. He was like well, I am going to the improv after, I was like forget about it then. Then he went to on to say he'd rather hang out with me, even knowing that I don't want to persue a relationship with him. I laughed and said, I have already ate dinner but I will go to the improv with you. He wound up ditching his date and we went. It was tons of fun. There were some funny comedians, and I was pretty psyched to get to go. Afterwards we talked for a few hours... and he went home.

Spike woke me up at the crack of dawn on Saturday. I walked him and tried to go back to bed. He wasn't having it. We went to our usual hiking spot, and I ran home to get ready for volunteering. It was a lot of fun. You can check out Kristylyn3's blog for pictures. Saturday night I came over for a PJ party at Kristylyn's house which was also a lot of fun. I kept texting DM pictures of our PJ Party which included pictures of Tucker, Kraymer, Mosby, and Kristy's toilet. Apparently he thought he was going to get different pictures. I was like be greatful for the one's you've got.

Sunday DM & I went hiking. We talked afterwards for a long time. He essentially said that we had already established that we couldn't date cause I wasn't interested. I felt bad. I am not really attracted to him though.. so after hanging out three times you'd think that there would be that "spark" but it's not there. I am really hoping that I can find a summer fling here soon to distract me from the SD situation.

In any event, I hope that you all had a great weekend.

posted on July 14, 2008 10:03 AM ()


I wonder what he told his date?
comment by dazeymae on July 16, 2008 6:01 PM ()
I don't blame you, summer fling are awesome! Keep searching!
comment by sexysadie on July 15, 2008 10:42 AM ()
Why do you feel bad that you are not attracted to him? I admire you for your honesty with him! He would feel much worse if you led him on, got his expectations up, and then pulled the rug out from under him later on! You should respect yourself for handling the situation correctly.
Now, it's his choice to hang with you or not.
comment by hayduke on July 15, 2008 9:38 AM ()
Can this "thing", not fling, turn into a really nice friendship between you guys? He sounds like a keeper so far.
comment by shesaidwhat on July 14, 2008 2:17 PM ()
A Summer fling?

I'm still trying to get rid of last Summers!
comment by deborah on July 14, 2008 11:34 AM ()
Funny, for a girl who doesn't feel a spark with a guy you sure hang out with him a LOT! Are you sure you don't like him?
comment by sexysadie on July 14, 2008 11:27 AM ()
That was too funny to me that he ditched his date for you - but I am sorry you felt that you hurt his feelings... that's never fun! At least you know you were honest about it from the get go, ya know? That's super important I think...
comment by kristilyn3 on July 14, 2008 10:15 AM ()

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