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I Have Kissed A Lot Of Frogs...

Life & Events > Relationships > It's Been a While ...

It's Been a While ...

This past week has been a bit of a whirlwind, with packing and other activities. Thursday afternoon my co worker's mother lost her battle with pancreatic cancer and passed away. My coworkers and I planned to go up to see her either Sunday or Monday.

Friday night I ordered pizza and vegetated on the couch I knew I had plans to go out for drinks on Saturday night. So we met up with R and A (boy) and were people watching. We covered exciting topics like what is the worse date you've ever been on. The funny thing was that R and I had the same reason for our worse dates ever. The guys didn't talk and they stared at us the whole time. Mine actually said "I could listen to you for hours." I am very soft spoken and mild mannered so I replied "You just DID!" Yes that was sarcastic... in case you missed it. There were a lot of other subjects covered like what kind of things do you like in bed, etc. It was fun people watching and interesting conversation. Conincidentally, I would not date a single person in the bars that we were in and this shocked my best friend A. I upgraded him from 1/4 gay to 1/2 gay because he was checking out dudes with me.

Sunday was a day of rest and running about. I took Spiker to the new hood to acclimate him to the smells the sounds and the people. I did not do any more packing because I was over it. Sunday night I met up with M (aka Mr. No Chemistry) to catch up since we had broke up. We had a great time catching up and figuring out where we both were in our lives at this point. He's a serial dater too. It was funny to swap dating stories and talk about stuff.

Monday morning at 630 am we headed there to represent our company. We drove up to a philly suburb and paid our respects. We had a nice drive up and back and decided to skip out on going back to work.

Tuesday was a hellacious day and I was right to avoid it on Monday. Today is eh and I am getting stuff done and enjoying the quiet in the office.

I have to finish up packing the next few nights, and start dissasembling furniture (i.e. my bed, dining room table, etc). It's starting to get super hollow sounding in the place with nothing on the walls or windows. It will be an interesting next few weeks. Hope you're all doing well. SB

posted on Oct 29, 2008 10:29 AM ()


comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 2, 2008 2:31 AM ()
Sad about the co-worker's mother.
Sounds like the packing is going well.
comment by sexysadie on Oct 29, 2008 9:58 PM ()
I certainly understand while it's been awhile.
comment by mrsstu on Oct 29, 2008 2:10 PM ()
Pancreatic cancer is so sad because it goes so fast and a lot of relatively young people succumb to it.
comment by troutbend on Oct 29, 2008 10:50 AM ()
I am glad you went up on Monday. I am sure she appreciated it!
I am also glad you and M caught up! He's a cool guy.
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 29, 2008 10:49 AM ()

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